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  1. kulp456

    need help! autoflower and cfl

    thanks Mr. ganja. im just so overwhelmed starting my first grow period. so many things so much reading. I was very disappointed with my result of my last attempt. I don't know how far to keep my 3 42wattt cfls away from the pot while the seed is trying to sprout and if I should only use 1 of...
  2. kulp456

    need help! autoflower and cfl

    ok so I have a small closet grow box and I have my and ventilation all set up correctly. when its on its about 75-82 degrees F. and the humidity is around 40% and can drop to 26% which I know is low. I have 3 42watt cfls. witch is about over 6000 lumens. my grow space is about 1foot8iches wide...