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  1. X

    New plant totally gibbled?

    so here is a picture of a new plant (1 week old) and it looks pretty messed up. I have another plant right beside it, that is doing great, other than being short for it age, he's about 2.5-3 inches. (probably because it gets damn hot in my growbox if i dont open it up once a day, sometimes it...
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    Plant leaves cupping

    Well damn. Do you know any good methods to decrease the heat in a growbow? I already have an exhaust, intake, and seperate fan on the inside just circulating the air.
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    Plant leaves cupping

    I have been looking for answers to this for a couple days, and you sir, have provided a perfect one. Thank you. I have always been told my temps are wayyyy to high. Are they really okay at around 90? Will these temps be okay for the flowering process?
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    Plant leaves cupping

    I've read a few threads about this but I was hoping I could get some personal feed back. My plants leaves are cupping upwards, they are about a week old, and I'm a little worried. I'm using 125 watt cfl. I have yet to start feeding them nutes. My temp is pretty hot, (ranging from 85-90)...
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    Plant leaves curling upwards.

    I moved the light about 3-4 inches away for the girls this morning. I'm not positive but i think it made it a little worse. One of my plant's leaves is looking close to a fucking taco.
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    Plant leaves curling upwards.

    Yeah from what i've been getting it could be over watering, or the placement on the lights. I would really like to know for sure tho.
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    Plant leaves curling upwards.

    The only info i could find on this, was saying that they need more nitrogen. I dont know. My plants are less than a week old, and the leaves a curling upwards. Other than that they seem healthy. I was going to put some pictures up, but i dont know if it's necessarry. The plants on a 24 hour...
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    Seeds won't sprout?

    So I bought somefeminized seeds a while back. Te guys at store said to put them in a glass of water and wait for them to crack before planting them in soil. Being the impatient man that I am, after only two cracked, I planted them. Now after about a week, two plants have broken through the soil...
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    green o matic autoflower

    I was hanging out at the seed bank in my city today, and we were talking about auto flowering strains. I asked essentially the same question and they told me that you can actually just leave the lights on 24/7, but they also made it a point to mention that a lot fo growers are shutting the...
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    More Temp issues

    What do you mean? I'm assuming your in california, what kind of temps are your plants looking at?
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    More Temp issues

    Okay so I'm running into some un expected problems. My grow box, is sitting at usually 89-92f. This is pretty high, and just having dropped the seeds, I'm worried. I have an intake and exhaust fan running (computer fan). The only thing I can think of is that the exhaust is running through a...
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    Temperature Issues

    Maybe not oscillating, but a computer or something like that, if I pointed it at the light, would that not help to an extent? I don't know I need a solution.
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    Temperature Issues

    What's up guys. I've just planted my seeds in my growbox, and I've noticed after the first day, the temp is a little high. (low to mid 90s). I have an intake fan, and an exhaust fan. However, the exhaust fan has a pretty thick/heavy charcoal filter (i know its not necessary yet but it will be...
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    Germination help

    Well, it's almost that time. My first seeds are about to drop and I'm pretty excited. I was wondering, after I drop my seeds into the soil, do I cover the tops on the containers with plastic wrap with holes in it? I have heard a lot of mixed opinions on this. Hopefully there are other night...
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    Lighting+ help?

    What's up guys. Had a couple quick questions, I have two 125 watt cfls. One is 6400k, and the other is 2700k. The 6400 is for the vegetative growth period right? And when I/the plants are ready to flower, then I switch it over to the 2700? Also, I saw in a video (Mr.Green - I grow chronic)...
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    Differences of CFL bulbs?

    Is the not a serious risk of them falling out? I'm sort of feeling like i was ripped off here. I was given two bulbs at about 80 each, first bulb the 125 watt 6400 for the vegetation, then I bought another one which is was told was pretty crucial for the flowering stage. Would I be better...
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    Differences of CFL bulbs?

    I suppose the idea that a single broken bulb wont shut down the grow, but rigging up 5 bulbs just seems to be a pain. by the way im only using one bulb at a time, first the 6400, then the 2600 for the flowering.
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    Differences of CFL bulbs?

    yeah my bad, sorry if I was a little unclear. I was just curious as to why people would use a bunch of small bulbs to do a job that one big bulb could do on it's own. I just guessed because it's cost effective? Lol I'm ALSO looking for a few good reasons to justify myself for spending 80$ each...
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    Differences of CFL bulbs?

    What's up fellow herbivores. I was just wondering what the diffrence between a cfl bulb such as the ones i have (2 - 125 watt 6400, 2600) the shorter ones that people seem to use in excess of 3-4 in the grow boxes. This first one is what i have. except a 125 instead of a 200. the...
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    The Possibility of Arrest?

    Honestly, I took racerboy's advice. I burnt a fat jay and realized, it really isnt a big deal, I'm almost done my grow box. Semi original idea (i think) I'm looking forward to starting a journal. check it out when its up. thanks for the reassurance.