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  1. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I believe your misinformed. With the MMAR program extended you can still buy from designated growers. Import permit wasn't really an issue from speaking with an approved lp in my city.
  2. Adam@AC

    Pax vs. Davinci

    I picked up a pinnacle pro with the water tool a couple months ago. Works great!
  3. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Woodsman, do you recommend following up with Health Canada during the application process if there hasn't been contact for a couple weeks after submitting revisions? Ive been sticking to the "we'll notify you when something is needed" policy they have, just curious if its beneficial to try and...
  4. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    "After registering as a client, individuals will be able to order dried marihuana from the licensed producer. However, licensed producers will not be allowed to sell or provide more than 30 times the daily amount in any 30-day period, taking into consideration the expected length of time for the...
  5. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I don't feel like disclosing certain aspects about my business and plan.
  6. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    There are a few potential LP's that are using the actual strain names from what I've seen.
  7. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    True, but we've been given the run around on many different issues that they originally seemed happy with but had to change. It's been an interesting experience. I had a partner of mine do most of the QAR, we then had one of the approved testing facilities put the final touches on it. I'm not...
  8. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Health Canada doesn't list necessary qualifications for the QA but good luck if he/she doesn't have experience with lab work, pharmaceuticals etc. My QAR report alone was 40 pages and my SOP's are an even larger package.
  9. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The biggest issues we were having was with these parts of the mmpr regarding destruction; i. If cannabis material is destroyed by a third party destruction company, then indicate that the SPIC, RPIC and/or A/RPIC will accompany the cannabis to the location where it is to de destroyed. ii...
  10. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    We were originally going to use Stericycle to dispose of our material but ended up going the incinerator route.
  11. Adam@AC

    New herb grinder...

    I was gifted a 4 piece sharpstone ( Works on the densest buds.
  12. Adam@AC

    Is all cal mag organic or not?

    Ive had friends have good experiences with:
  13. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hi everyone! Ive been lurking on this forum for a few years and finally made an account. We're operating out of a 5000 sq. ft. building just outside of Winnipeg Manitoba and submitted the application last week. Should be an interesting year! Looking forward to getting more involved on the forum.