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  1. M

    Subway Herb!!

    You will be fine.. My guess is you wont even notice it.. Might feel like shit tomorrow considering the sun burn on top of the etardation though..
  2. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Oh trust me i do haha. Ive actually done between 80-100 mg bumps of K as well. To be honest i think 80mg is my sweet spot at the moment. Epic! Yes i completely agree with the 10 shots in 10 seconds on the up come.. It's not to long till you completely melt though.. at that point it is...
  3. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Yeah im honestly good on the 200mg lines for the moment.. Maybe one day. At this point just a couple decent bumps have me flying and floating all over everywhere...
  4. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Ahhhh how much i love astral projecting... Starting to get to the point where i do it in my sleep on a very regular basis... Score!!! The other night i had a dream that my roomate walked in and handed me a hit of NP and was like eat this.. I ate it and started tripping out sac... I have...
  5. M

    Subway Herb!!

    Hell yeah that's legit! Ive had two experiences similar to this but neither dealt with herb.. Once i was at the grocery store by my house, this guy used the automated check out machine before myself... He left, as i was standing their scanning my groceries he walked back up and said...
  6. M

    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    Looking GREAT!!! That white widow is fucking huge! All those other ones are looking legit to man.. I bet they wills start showing pistils any day now :D
  7. M

    How come???

    Hmm im not sure.. I have thrown up on dose from laughing to much.. But it was more from the fact that everything was so funny that i laughed and laughed and laughed till the point my stomach couldnt take it anymore. Eventually i spewed ALL over the place.. Never stopped tripping though...
  8. M


    Yeah ive always thought it would be fun to figure out how to extract the active alkaloids so you dont have to eat as much at a time..
  9. M

    The Almighty Blotter Debate

    Yeah gotta love it... Good ole' heroin Bob..
  10. M

    Oooo !!! I am a Bomber Pilot ! 160mg down ..... he he he .....

    Man it doesnt matter how many facts, statistics, everything else you tell me. My opinion isnt changed. I already said that yeah people who use both a lot could probably tell the difference. People who rarely do it probably wont. Also like i said i dont enjoy high doses of mdma or methylone...
  11. M


    Yeah and tripping outside in the wilderness while it's pouring is absolutely wonderful! Nothing like frying sac surrounded by flash floods and waterfalls everywhere. The gnarliest lightning ever!
  12. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Holly shit bandit! I seriously have listened to the Doors everyday for the past 4-5 days... Always liked them in the past but never seriously took the time to listen to them... No it's as if i cant get enough of them haha.
  13. M

    Oooo !!! I am a Bomber Pilot ! 160mg down ..... he he he .....

    He really is in for a treat! K is so amazing. Let us know how it goes!
  14. M

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    So i posted this in a different thread but figures it deserves a spot here to! I read recently that they have been doing studys with K and depression and how it is an immediate mood booster and how it could seriously help people with depression in small doses... Well last night i was feeling...
  15. M

    Another Earth

    I agree Puff! Most of us that are serious about chems know their is A LOT more to it then having fun... All though, i wont deny that i sure do have A LOT of fun with them haha.
  16. M

    Anyone else experiene a recent, strange desire for a Subway?

    Oh man i think im going to go get me a sub right now... Mmm Subway! Gotta say, i love the new Rosemary and Sea salt bread. Shits delicious!
  17. M

    White Fluffy DMT vs. yellow lab DMT

    Yeah you got some good Deems then... But 100 for 100mg? That's way way way way to expensive! People shouldnt sell deams.. They should just give it away!
  18. M

    My buddy has DMT

    Man that's outrageous! Seriously hearing that people sell deams for $100 a gram really bust my balls. Hadd 500-600? Anyone who pays that is a retard. The most i would ever pay for deams is $50 a gram, and it would have to be PURE. I mean freezer preciped 4-5 times. Not just...
  19. M

    White Fluffy DMT vs. yellow lab DMT

    Lol they were probably both made in someone's house. Sticky yellow D generally wasnt freezer preciped which means it still has some of the fat's and oils. White fluffy yellowish/white/beige deams is the best, def more potent.
  20. M

    Favorite Blotter Papers

    It's the best till youv'e had Needlepoint :D No but seriously Fluff is so dank! I find that the best trips are actually Needlepoint+Fluff combos. Needlepoint is so clean and real, fluff is so clean and dreamy. Makes for an amazing experience.. All my best dose has always been on white...