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  1. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    what about them leds or are they just a waist of money
  2. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    but im also thinking about useing led panles on the side of the grow
  3. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    im thinking about useing x3
  4. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    hear is my current setup Auto ak-47
  5. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    Im thinking about sticking 2 descent size autos in there but dont know what lighs to use preff some sort of cfls but what about leds not found alot of research on them
  6. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    its about 4 ft high and 2 and a half foot wide as i said its only gona be for 2 plants
  7. MRGanja12

    Updateing grow:D

    Hey guys just started building my next growing box or what ever you want to call it this is like x3 bigger than my current grow box i only intend to grow 2 plants 3 max and i think this is the perfect size so i was woundering which lights and other thing i could use in this grow space
  8. MRGanja12

    First plant ever hows she lookin?

    tbh stop trolling each other on this post if ur both gona rage at each other take it else were since he asked how was his plants doing and its been took over by 2 people who want to prove who has the biggest ego! so gtfo and go take a rip:D
  9. MRGanja12

    First plant ever hows she lookin?

    hey man i also am a first time grower and my plants turned out to be both female and from that close up pic they looked like my plants but like 1 week later they developed them white hairs best of luck man Mr Ganja12
  10. MRGanja12

    Bugged up?

    put 3 drops of fairy washing up liquid into 250ml of water and spray the underside of the leaves for like 4 days and pray :D
  11. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    Good luck man sorry about posting some shit which was not relevant to you my bad
  12. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    well as i said this is my taste into growing next grow i am going to be using proper stuff ie carbon filers hid hps and hydro but one thing i dont understand is all this stuff about hps and hid which is better
  13. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    its pointless for the size of the grow and im new to all this i am going to be usein carbon filers and hps once this grow is over cause this is my taster of geting into bud then i go bigger :D
  14. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    i just wana grow descent bud :D
  15. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    yes amazing vent :D which i riged up out of hardrive fans but dont want to grow very amazeing (stinky bud) my plant already stink and they are only 3-4 weeks old and smell better than bud which is cured :P
  16. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    because its only for 2 plants and its not inside a massive grow box its perfect for 2 autos so thats why i dont wana go puting in a 1000w cause the heat would just kill em
  17. MRGanja12

    Electrical question! Please help

    sorry to be jacking ur post man but did not want to make a thread since it is only 1 question how good is its only for 2 plants i am going to be geting two of them if they are good :D
  18. MRGanja12

    Thinking about next grow

    thanks for the input man :D
  19. MRGanja12

    Thinking about next grow

    hey guys im not into having massive amounts of plants im happy with having 2 but i thought of a system which lets me harvest every 2 months and its simple but im not going to go into that but anyway i am thinking about using hydro for my next grow and i am going to be using this...
  20. MRGanja12

    Should I be concerned

    wait untill you get ur nutes and dont start them on a full dose build your way up ie go grow quarter strength for 2 weeks then to half for 1 week then onto full the nextweek good luck man:D