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  1. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    The worst of it, if you find something you really like, chances are it will be sold out next time you need it lol. Peace Naturals better stabilize soon or I'm rage quitting ha.
  2. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    Thanks for letting me know ;-). The Mettrum strain I wan't to try is 18-21% thc. Can't wait.
  3. eliminare

    Music to smoke too
  4. eliminare

    Music to smoke too
  5. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    I am going to make thread for all my producer reviews. I have 2 more Peace Naturals strains that I am going to be trying over the next couple days and I will post my results along with my other strain reviews. :-P edit: and I also bought a macro lens for my phone, so I will be uploading much...
  6. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    No worries, I appreciate the reply. I already sent out the mettrum forms, but its good to know I have something else to fall back on. I guess this will be a learning experience for the both of us.
  7. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    Abdominal pain from IBS, possibly crohns. I haven't been able to eat solid food for 3 years because the pain gets extremely bad when I do (no matter what I eat). I'm trying to find something that will numb my abdomen or at least take my mind off the pain (seems like it would be pretty hard...
  8. eliminare

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Are producers allowed to use real strain names? Im sick of not knowing what Im taking as a patient. why the f should high times mag be allowed to get the real strain names from peace naturals, and not the patient? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Rollitup mobile app
  9. eliminare

    MMPR court date announcement and legal advice from John Conroy

    I think people would be happy if it was just decriminalized. It would be a good start.
  10. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    I had the choice's to wait 2 1/2 months for my medicine, or wait a couple weeks. I chose a couple weeks because I needed it asap. Plus, if I was caught growing and then sent to jail without any meds, I don't know what I would have done. It looks like I will be going with Mettrum.
  11. eliminare

    Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica

    I am stuck trying to decide between signing up with cannimed to get their high CBD strain, and Mettrum to get their indica strain. What would you choose for chronic pain relief?
  12. eliminare

    Cannabis Clinic in Ontario

    Dunno if you got a prescription yet, but I got mine through the Do No Harm Clinic The doctor is very understanding and compassionate.
  13. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    Is it normal to have a random seed per 10g of buds? Rofl I have found 2 so far from 2 different strains from Peace Naturals.
  14. eliminare

    LP's and Wannabee's Get Your Own Forum-Don't post on the PATIENT forum

    I personally like reading what LP's and wannabes have to say, but I do think there should be a dedicated sub section here for them. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Rollitup mobile app
  15. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    Thanks for the advice! I think I will make an entirely new thread for my producer/strain reviews.
  16. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    Peace Naturals Project Review Application Processing Time: Around 2 weeks, was a little longer for me probably because of a surge in applications that were sent during/right after the xmas holidays. Shipping time: 4 days, Packages are shipped via Canada Post Xpresspost Prices: $6/g Shipments...
  17. eliminare

    Here's the next Prime Minister of Canada!!

    "These drugs are illegal because of the harmful effect they have on users and on society. We will continue protecting the interests of families across this country." Ignorant ignorant ignorant!
  18. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    The 3 top links should work now. I am not sure why I can't remove the attachment links.
  19. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    Well I am a beginner lol. It starts out like its expanding and then goes to an itchy feeling that makes me cough.
  20. eliminare

    What happens if the strains offered don't work?

    So I received my meds yesterday, and had a really good experience with both Peace Naturals strains. Marcela effects: Clear headed, but a heavy body feeling, that I am still able to move quite easily with. Stomach cramps dissipate and I am left with a warm, relaxed body. Sleepy after 1 1/2...