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  1. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    Ok dude, i bought a 300 m3 fan extractor that will release air outside the room in which is the growroom,350ml should be fine for a 80x80x180, also because a dehumi of 1/2 L would be too big for a growroom like this one. And finally i'll add the intake fan that should improve airflow and...
  2. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    10 square meters,2 plants,the dehumi has a capacity of 350ml, and i'm controlling temps with 2 heaters (each 150w) plugged in a temperature controller device. My base room outside the growbox it's 18 degrees , in the growroom is 28 degrees durin lights on, and about 22/20 degrees during lights...
  3. Dr. Frescho

    Walking back from LED

    What LED? Can you link it?
  4. Dr. Frescho

    Walking back from LED

    Yeah, they also run cooler and they're more efficient in energy consumption, meaning that for example a LED of 270w will produce more light than a 270w HPS
  5. Dr. Frescho

    Walking back from LED

    From what i know the LED's on amazon are pure trash, they claim to have 1000w/1500w which is not true,and they're equipped with old chipsets. I bought my 270w PAR + here and it's doing great so far, as you can see the...
  6. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    So i should stop the exhaustin fan only when lights are out? Correct me if i'm wrong, but from what i've learned so far is that the exhaust fan should always be on.... If not it promotes mold and diseases...
  7. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    That's what i was thinkin too,but should i upgrade a carbon filter too? current one is only 150m3,if i buy i a new excractor i'll take one with a capacity of 300m3,i dunno if it's enough for a filter like that
  8. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    My growroom is a 80x80x180,the dehumidifier is inside the grow room. The area of my room is 10 square meters,with a base RH of 57/60%.... mmmh maybe that's the problem the base humidity OUTSIDE the growroom How can i lower the room humidity? I have only one window.
  9. Dr. Frescho

    Humidity problem

    Hi you all, so i've just switched to 12/12 for flower mode, but i can't keep my humidity below 65% even tho i have a dehumidifier, an exhaust fan (187m3) and a carbon filter (max range 150m3). So what do you suggest, should i change my exhaust fan or carbon filter? Should i take a carbon filter...
  10. Dr. Frescho

    To flower or not to flower?

    Ok i trimmed more under growth,but i flowered them already, cause the screen is almost full and there is new growth coming up.For the rest i'll do as you suggested thanks
  11. Dr. Frescho

    To flower or not to flower?

    Ey friends, probably a silly question, but i'm wondering if i should start to flower those 2 girls with 5 weeks each. The reason why i'm wonderin so much is because i've recently transplanted the pot (about 10 days ago) from a 11L to a 26L smartpot. So my main concern is if i switch it to...
  12. Dr. Frescho

    yes master

    yes master
  13. Dr. Frescho

    pls free me from this jungle

    Yeah so i'll scrog and prune them... i'll post pics of the results later thanks my friends :) So no matter what i always have to prune fan leaves avoiding as much as possible the main future colas right
  14. Dr. Frescho

    pls free me from this jungle

    Ye it's a jungle,they're 5 weeks old and i don't know what to do with them anymore; i can barely move them inside the growroom, and watering them it's a nightmare cause i always have to lift leaves on top of leaves to get to the soil. Also there are so many leaves buried under all this jungle...
  15. Dr. Frescho

    Leaves yellowin and dying

    Ye i underwatered them just before changing the pot, anyway it was nutrient deficency they were too hungry, now all the leaves are pointing back up and are recovering, no more yellowin. I think i'll change the water schedule,maybe every 2 days 2 liters per plant would be good... Thanks for the...
  16. Dr. Frescho

    Ey guys it is me Dr.Frescho :)
  17. Dr. Frescho

    Leaves yellowin and dying

    No dude the leaves are not droppy and they recently recovered from an underwater.
  18. Dr. Frescho

    Leaves yellowin and dying

    Hello everybody,this is my grow.... they have 4 weeks Sadly tho they are havin som leaves startin from the base of the plant,that are curling yellowin and dying. As you can see all the leaves,even the others healthy and green, have all curled tips pointing down. What could it be? Not...
  19. Dr. Frescho

    Requiescat in Frescho

    Requiescat in Frescho
  20. Dr. Frescho

    Ey guys it is me Dr.Frescho

    Ey guys it is me,i'll soon post my 2 girls cause they're havin som problems. I'll meet you all in the infirmary With love: Dr. Frescho