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  1. Earthtone

    lights to close? help please =3

    thought would i get them to not stretch so much? there a link to a post i can read about this?...i had the light about 2' close to my seedlings and they honestly looked like they were burning so i moved the light up to 4'
  2. Earthtone

    lights to close? help please =3

    to much nutes maybe?..something is making them look like lost. ive tried everything but transplanting them to better soil. unfortunately they were put into miracle grow soil. and i know that watering them activates the nutes in the soil so im trying to only water them every 3 days. who...
  3. Earthtone

    lights to close? help please =3

    the leaves on my babies are curling and turning yellow. could they be burning?...i always sort of had problems with my 2 plants with the leaves discolouring. I have a 1000w light about 4 feet above them. should i move it up higher?...or can someone tell me diffrent?
  4. Earthtone

    Dinner Art

    mmm rosemary potatos sounds amazing! but yams with brown sugar and cinnamon is even better =3
  5. Earthtone

    weirdness from my plant

    ok i will explain this as best as i can. my plant was growing leaves with 3 "points" at first...which is normal...then it grew one set of 4 "points" and now its back to 3 and hasnt changed since. its only been growing 3 "points" for weeks what does this mean? does it have to do with the...
  6. Earthtone

    which sex grows faster?

    also do females have more "points" then males? thanks =3
  7. Earthtone

    whats up with my plants?

  8. Earthtone

    whats up with my plants?

    ok just thought i would make things clear....plant was growing fine at mites...sprayed the mites leaves started dieing. i obviously havnt used the spray since. and that was about a month ago.
  9. Earthtone

    whats up with my plants?

    the strain is jack herer. i dont know if they need special treatment or what. could anyone tell me a mite killer that wont hurt my plants?
  10. Earthtone

    whats up with my plants?

    well i mean i sprayed them when i saw the bugs when they first came and have been checking the plants everyday since. havnt seen any or signs of them, just noticed the black spots today. the leaves have been dieing like this since the plant first started basicly. could it be from spraying the...
  11. Earthtone

    whats up with my plants?

    hey everyone im a first time grower and im having some problems...some of it might have to do with my natural approach but i thought i would check with people who actually know what might be going on. the plant is just short of 8 weeks, its small i know but i havnt been using lights or...