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  1. M

    Has Anyone Ever 'Let Go' When They Were Trippin on Acid? Lucid Dream, Shroom Related

    I love letting go... Slipping into the nothingness is complete unexplainable happiness, it's the omnipresent universe at it's finest. Lucid dreaming is amazing... Until you get stuck in a dream and cant get out, at that point it get's a little scary haha. But overall LSD is what turned me...
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    Hippy Flipping

    It's the absolute best man!
  3. M

    How Often Can You Roll?

    3 times a year is a safe bet if you want to enjoy MDMA for the long haul... i used to roll 1-2 times a week for over a year and now the magic is pretty much gone. It made my reaction time very slow and gave me some pretty bad social anxiety to, i got to the point where being around more then...
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    Hippy Flipping

    Mdma+psychedelics is the best ever man! You will enjoy the shit out of your night i promise you that.. id recommend eating the mushrooms first then an hour or 2 later consume a pill and go from their... Really its all personal preference though, i like to enjoy the psychedelic for a while...
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    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    Exactly, you obviously dont want to water every watering at 6.8 but it will be good to do it every 3-4 so those plant's can soak up that magnesium... Damn i hope it stops for ya so you can start getting these guys in the ground sometime soon. Yeah i figured as much, dont worry man. Having...
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    Opinions on Alcohol

    And crypt, yes it's very easy to smoke that much in a day. Back when i broke my neck about a year ago i was smoking upwards of 5+ Blunts a day with many many bowls in between blunts. Then again, i was growing then so smoking 7 or 8 grams in a day was nothing.
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    Opinions on Alcohol

    What's the point in drinking if not to get fucked up though? It's all about the binge drinking!
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    Shrooms or Acid?

    Thanks, im happy to be here! Glad you came to his aid, i can really appreciate that! My situation was similar, i was all by myself lost in my own mind and if my friends wouldn't have came to my end im pretty sure i would have found some way to end it. Initially i had 4 blotters cut out and...
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    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    Thats good, i wish i was that lucky lol. 6.5 is just about perfect, id recommend occasionally bumping the ph up to 6.8 or so just so you can ensure the plant's root system is sucking up as much nutrients as possible. So you going to go out and get your holes dug today? Oh yeah, and...
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    Opinions on My Art

    Thank you very much! yes i love train watching as well, in the graffiti culture there is a term called "Benching" for exactly that. I will admit though, there is something that is somewhat creepy yet very satisfying about standing in a train yard at 3AM painting, gotta be careful that some...
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    PCP Help Hurry!

    Glad you had a good time Time... Trip report maybe? Heading over to your journal now... Hope you can get those holes dug today.
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    2ce trip + More Sunburn Than I Would Like

    Great read buddy! Yes i to found the body load with 2ce somewhat heavy but def not to the point where i noticed it for a whole trip, generally though i always felt really congested and somewhat like i had a cold when eating 2ce... Like you though, i do think it's very similar to LSD, for me...
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    Opinions on My Art

    Hope you enjoyed your 2uce trip buddy... Cant wait to see the new pics.
  14. M

    PCP Help Hurry!

    Hahaha yes i loved Felix! Have a good time tonight buddy!
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    Shrooms or Acid?

    Cannado... sorry if i misspelled that lol. But anyways, for me i feel a huge obligation to have some control over my trip. Yes it's good to let loose and let the substance take you to new places but it's still good to be responsible a long the way. Yes i enjoy psychedelics very much, but...
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    Shrooms or Acid?

    I think it's all situational, brain chemistry+quality product which results in crazy trips. With my experience ive gotten way crazier visuals from dose... One time i ate 700ug's of Needlepoint at once and straight up went blind... Couldnt see anything, not even my hand before my face. Once i...
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    Opinions on Alcohol

    I dont know man... Id consider Jacky D a very close friend of mine ;)
  18. M

    Opinions on Alcohol

    Yeah no doubt... Generally when i drink it always makes me feel better, i could be in the worst mood ever and it always seems lift my spirits.. I know this isnt how it is for everyone lol, some people get pissed off and angry.
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    Opinions on Alcohol

    Alcohol in a nut shell is "Liquid Courage" and i fucking love it! .... Although i will not deny that those couple times i took shot's of bourbon at 8:00am before work just to get through the morning was pretty bad lol... But then again so was that job.
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    Get Me To Fifty Post Tonight

    Well it looks as if you have succeeded! Good job.