Search results

  1. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    A Chimera has a different Phenotype than the mother. Phenotype: The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences. The expression of a specific trait, such as stature or blood type, based on genetic and...
  2. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    Do you need a picture of potency? Or are my explanations of flower / apical mutations not enough? Sounds to me you are stuck on something or I am not being clear
  3. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    Much appreciated. no hurt here. Questions for Clarification are good no matter what. This is is the reason leaves are our main indicator for nutrient burn, what we put in the plant goes straight to the top
  4. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    I can help you understand. Seriously I am not kidding. You see, in plants Chimeras can come about by a mutation in cells of rapid growing region such as the apex of a cannabis plant. that not only grows rapidly, but because of a short season, the same tips differentiate into flowers . I have...
  5. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    If you cited genetic degradation in vegetative cloning I doubt that if I spelt out the science for you and gave you the research that you have the background to understand it.
  6. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    Maybe your problem is that you do not know what you are looking for or how to search the internet. Ask some who knows to help you. The information is there
  7. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    Much appreciated comment. The whole potency loss thing stems from bad scientific interpretation. If I cut parts of your body, say your foot, then cut a toe off that foot, and take a toe nail, the DNA WILL ALWAYS BE A 100% COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. If I could keep taking pieces of you or that foot or...
  8. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    You change the genes of a plant you change the the potency. Just like changing the colors of a flower. These are my findings. And it does not always result in lower potency or any potency change at all, it just increases the odds of a change in potency higher or lower. I thought it was straight...
  9. Bangaman

    Over Cloning and Lost Potency

    Many people have said over cloning will result in a reduced potency. I was one of the few that said it is impossible, that the biology shows if this did happen, it would be 1 in many million. The trouble is that many people including some growers I know personally have claimed potency loss. I...
  10. Bangaman

    Thinking Beyond Cannabis

    As we are beginning to realize that Legalization of Marijuana is inevitable, I would like some of your input on the following: Economic Globalization and the Upcoming Marijuana Markets. Marijuana and its myriad byproducts on Wall Street, the new "industry." Identifying possible rising Stars...
  11. Bangaman

    For all New GrowersOut There

    I am a staunch believer in results and I have used my fair share of products. Unlike some, I dedicate time, an entire grow set (rooms and crop separate from my main crp set) to test and experiment. No need to brag, its pointless. Most, and I mean 99.99% of products out there will do what they...
  12. Bangaman

    For all New GrowersOut There

    Amazing! This stems from a post on hre I advised some o to use MG to fix a prob and was met with hostility. Dude, you are not the only one with an opinion on MG. Maybe youfeel unique, and you should. But before you go screaming you invented the wheel, and that others copy you check yourself...
  13. Bangaman

    For all New GrowersOut There

    Sorry for the confusion. The survey is not for soil but for the plant food. Please do explain the possible relationship between spider mites and miracle grow soil
  14. Bangaman

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    Great Stuff/information people can actually use
  15. Bangaman

    For all New GrowersOut There

    For all new growers out there, This is the deal with advice in forums. If the post states something as if it were gospel without scientific backup, and just pictures, ignore it. There are more ways than one. Do your research. I have heard folks on here bash Wiki and Academic research papers...
  16. Bangaman

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    This clearly shows you know nothing about auto flowering plants. Someone told you about them and the one word you get right is ruderalis. Affirms "knowledge without the capacity to interpret it is really bad for you" I'd tell you more, and why what you think of autos is scientifically absurd...
  17. Bangaman

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    Spoke to a buddy who runs the grow for a clinic up here and he says the opposite of what you are saying. 60% of their grow is auto flower hybrids for the following reasons VERY high THC content, improved resistance to pests, advers conditions extreme environmental changes, including low stress...
  18. Bangaman

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    But true. Lots of it on here. I'd tell any newbie to go for it. Heck, Ima try some autos next crop
  19. Bangaman

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    Resistance to change is something for fools! The same was said about female seeds and though the jury is in that their yield is based on strain genetics, and grower just as good as any, you still have stubborn folks who for some reason try and fight for the world to stay where they are...