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  1. symbiote420

    Possible changes on Sept. 7th. . .

    The marijuana community as a whole needs to stand the fuk up!! The homosexual community has, and they're to the point now they can get married and adopt children, Hell they're lifestyle is all over the television and that movement is still pretty young. What type of country is it when you have...
  2. symbiote420

    very wide leaves

    Without a pic.......I'm guessing it's definitely an indica dom since it's wide with only 5 blades.
  3. symbiote420

    Need Some Advice From Serious Organic Growers

    Espoma does make great organic products I've used them for years with excellent results, BioTone, PlantTone, etc. What most people don't realize about organics is how simple and cheap it can be. Fox Farm has the same kind of products under the Peace Of Mind & Happy Frog labels, my fav is their...
  4. symbiote420

    Regular vs feminized seeds?

    I could not have said it any better.
  5. symbiote420

    Look What I got from Sea Of Seeds, wicked seed company, will be ordering again! DEFO!

    Nice looking grow, frosty! what strain is that?
  6. symbiote420

    first grow!! what do you think?

    Yeah you're looking good so far, you're half way there. Good luck!!
  7. symbiote420

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Yeah that's about right, let the pots dry out a little more before waterings.
  8. symbiote420

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    That looks fine to me, it's the color of the strains pigments coming through.
  9. symbiote420

    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    That's the way to go the stores charging $200+, without the robo stik.
  10. symbiote420

    Organic Flower Picture Thread!!

    Damn Wheez you got the Lemon Skunk too!! That's looking real good buddy. I still have to get yet another camera this new one I got ain't shit, what you take you pics with? Nice.
  11. symbiote420

    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    People who talk bad about them obviously never grew with one, none of my friends had them last year the bandwagon is around the corner now almost everybody I know has one or more LOL! The growth under it is better, the hot spot of the bulb is moved around so you can get the lights a little bit...
  12. symbiote420

    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    I grow under 600 on a light track in a 4' x 7' homemade grow tent, You can see by by strains listed why I didn't keep the PK and I always have access to it if I wanna grow it again anyway.
  13. symbiote420

    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    My uncle has had PK so long now I can get seeds or clones anytime I want, the only reason I let her go to some of my friends was she would get so big for my grow perimeters other than that she was a beauty to grow if you have the room, I would top it and it would shot out side branches...
  14. symbiote420

    Fox Farm Happy Frog

    I use Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 and dry organic amendments, but a lot of my friends use ProMix and liquid nutes like Canna & Advanced Nutrients, they water with quarter to 1/2 strength nute doses the first watering and slowly increase afterwards unless a particular plant is expressing a need for...
  15. symbiote420

    Fox Farm Happy Frog

    MJ loves airy, well draining soils. Plus you could add things like vermiculite and/or earthworm castings to help retain moisture without burning the plants and it will still be cheaper and more manageable than the FF "soils."
  16. symbiote420

    Anyone knows the indoor/outdoor flower times for J-1(Jack Herer x Skunk#1)?

    Got this strain in a trade but I lost contact with the guy unless I drive to Ann Arbor, it's growing fine I just like having as much info as I can gather on a strain. I know Jack and Skunk #1 both usually finish by mid October where I'm at. If you have grown it or have info on flowering times...
  17. symbiote420

    What do you guys think of these grow tents?

    We have an HTG Supply store here, I've seen that tent up close and personal for the price you can't beat it though, it is of a lesser quality material than other more expensive brands I was going to rock one, till I built my own!
  18. symbiote420

    Kushberry - 8 weeks flowering, sick?

    Hell, you could pull her now if you wanted but she might still pack on a little weigh but they're ripe, that's couchlock potency now and going pass 50% amber is kinda overripening IMO.
  19. symbiote420

    Fox Farm Happy Frog

    If you want to start feeding your plants without having to play guessing games, don't fukk with that FF shit use ProMix HP or BX, or Sunshine Advanced Mix 4 my personal fav, and you can start feeding when you want with liquids or amend them with dry nutes to your specifics. FFOF & HF are more of...
  20. symbiote420

    male/female (her-mah-fah-dite) bud pix strange....

    Lol.....yea that's a male, kill it or before that store some pollen and make some seeds later.