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  1. dreadful1

    Can you take clones after you start flowering???

    I wasn't set up for it when I was vegging but now I've got a little more space.Problem is is that I am about 2 weeks into flower.Just wondering whats best.Trim them up good once they flower fully and throw them back into veg?..or just take clones from flower and throw them into veg??Whats...
  2. dreadful1

    Chlorine??? 0 or .5...which is better?

    ...k thats all I needed thanx man
  3. dreadful1

    Chlorine??? 0 or .5...which is better?

    .....never seem to get a reply in this forum.....
  4. dreadful1

    Chlorine??? 0 or .5...which is better?

    Need to do a really good flush but don't have time to let my water stand out to rid chlorine.It is at .5 before I do this,is this to much for the plants??
  5. dreadful1

    From flouro's to 1000w hps,would this explain the yellowing of the bottom growth?

    All my levels are fine so I'm not sure whats up. Is it common for this to happen after one or all of the changes I made?
  6. dreadful1

    help 1000 watt light bulb wont turn on..I can hear the ballast

    .....try plugging it in by itself and see if it may just not fire up if there is not enough juice...don't really know.
  7. dreadful1

    help 1000 watt light bulb wont turn on..I can hear the ballast

    I would just go get another one,that way you can eliminate that as a problem.Worst case you have a light bulb ready for down the road.....I'm totally new at this myself but just plugged mine in 2 days ago and it's working.Just make sure it's on its own breaker (15 amp) and don't run anything...
  8. dreadful1

    From flouro's to 1000w hps,would this explain the yellowing of the bottom growth?

    I actually did a little light pruning and changed my lighting,bottom leaves are sagging and turning yellow now....everything was ok till then just wondering if this is normal with the flowering switch,lighting change,and pruning....maybe to much at once??
  9. dreadful1

    Small town,limited supplies.quick grab nutes for flower,"Cactus Plant Food",2-7-7.??

    awesome...thanx!I have actually (through veg) been giving them half of the recommended dose(24-8-16) as I am scared of burning them and they are doing awesome.I gave them a good flush with clean water before I introduce the new nutes and plan on the same routine.they don't seem like they are...
  10. dreadful1

    Small town,limited supplies.quick grab nutes for flower,"Cactus Plant Food",2-7-7.??

    ohhh,It may be time released,I will check in the morning.I saw quite a bit of tomatoe fert but was all high in nitrogen.I read that lower numbers all together could be better...2-7-7 rather than like 10-20-20 or something,dont know just lack of option and low nitrogen,seemed good.
  11. dreadful1

    Small town,limited supplies.quick grab nutes for flower,"Cactus Plant Food",2-7-7.??

    Just wondering if this will work for food through flower,been rushing to try and find good bloom fert but it's a few hours away.I'm new but the numbers seem it matter that it's cactus food????It's got all the micros as well...
  12. dreadful1

    1000w Hps light...does this raise flags with power company???

    Just got a kick ass ballast that runs 120v or 240 v,MH and HPS.I am not set up for 240v but is this 1000w bulb gonna bring the "heat"???I know it has to spike my bill but is it enough for someone to notice?I'm seeing it as 10x 100w lights going for 12 hours...thats a big jump from conventional...
  13. dreadful1

    How Can You Raise Your Ph...Soil To Acidic

    found the exact same shit as in the video...had to drive for four hours but damn it I found it!!!Ph problem solved!!
  14. dreadful1

    How Can You Raise Your Ph...Soil To Acidic

    sweet....small town canada took me two weeks to get a ph tester hahaha and its not even really what I need.I need numbers on a meter....Im colorblind!Ive tried with the color coded paper and solutions...just cant match the colors properly.Had a friend tell me what color it was which is...
  15. dreadful1

    YOU Can Help Save My Babies :D!

    youll have to change the lights for flower tho 2700k...I`m sure you knew that.....
  16. dreadful1

    YOU Can Help Save My Babies :D!

    I'm new and had all these questions as well...still do,haha but it's pretty much trial and error and watching the reaction they have when you try things youve learned from reading.I am using cfl's and also wanted a small budget.I had 9 plants(2 males have appeared)I ended up buying 6 spiral 26w...
  17. dreadful1

    How Can You Raise Your Ph...Soil To Acidic

    my ph is roughly 5.5.I would like to raise it as I was told I might be at risk of potassium and cal-mag can I do this?My water seems to be more alkaline but I have not seen any change.need something to add to it or give it a boost!!my first grow so I went with miracle gro moisture...
  18. dreadful1

    Sexing plants...early distinction...

    ok...It's actually white widow,from amsterdam...they were like 60 bucks or something,I assumed it was good to go.So at no point will the growing pistil gland(before hair grows)resemble a little sac or ball and if it does it's male...or hermie??I know it's probably a dumb question but I'm scared...
  19. dreadful1

    Sexing plants...early distinction...

    My plants are showing signs of sex.I proceeded to remove a few that had what looked like lil' pollen sacs to me(was pretty confident in my research) I said my farewells and tossed them.....upon reading further haha..I found some things that said early distinction is difficult....oops?some...