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  1. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Sorry I havent updated the thread in a bit. I got really sick. Pics from 6/13/11
  2. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    update. Day 25. Fertilized again with mid-size veg formula. Looking healthy so far. Yellowing of lower leaves on the big mama has not spread and seems to have stopped.
  3. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    update. Day 24. Big guy will be topped above the 2nd node after formation of 5th node. Cutting will be planted as a clone Yellowing of first set of true leaves on the big white widow led me to bump up the fertilizer to a mid-size vegetative concentration ( in accordance with the back of the...
  4. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Heres an update. Day 22. I think the bigger one (the white widow mom to-be) has spots on it from being a little hungry before I started regularly fertilizing her. The rest of the plant seems healthy. Should I worry about these spots? There dont appear to be any new ones. I thought it was just...
  5. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Today was day 20. Heres some pics. I started LST on the big guy. He got transplanted earlier than the others by about a week.
  6. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Some more pictures. Progress has been made after the transplant. They all are very healthy, and have been moved in and out for sunlight on the roof. Still running 18/6 though.
  7. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Growth has resumed after doing pH runoff tests on all plants. One needed corrected, and today they are all looking much healthier and stronger. Growing again, and at a much faster rate. They definitely agreed with the transplant.
  8. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Growth pretty much stopped. This is around day 15. They would not grow out their second set of true leaves completely, so I decided that the stretching might have something to do with it. I transplanted all of them to 3" square pots, burying their stem all the way to the cotyledons (some were...
  9. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    Not much more growth yet. This was the end of day 11, and I've been fighting the temps all day. Most of the babies second leaves are really starting to come in. I'm hoping they will progress more tomorrow. I had it at a fairely stable 84 F and 40% humidity most of the day. Still running 18/6...
  10. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    So its day 11 after sprouting. I built a grow box with a 3.5" exhaust port, and 2 2" intakes. They're growth seems to be kind of slowing a bit. been watering with pH 6.4 water (using soilless promix), and I just added Super Thrive to the water last night. Have them under 2 85W sunlight CFLs...
  11. S

    Second Grow. Trying Outdoor This Time

    So I just started germinating my 5 feminized Cataract Kush, 2 feminized Seedsman White Widows, a feminized Kannabia BCN Diesel autoflower, and a feminized Kannabia Big Band. All 10 seeds germinated. I used the paper towel method. First I boiled some water, and let 4 paper towels soak in it to...