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  1. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    In a most recent decision in Sfetkopoulos v. Canada FCA, it was found that the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations have continued to be unconstitutional. In the Crown's memorandum to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal the Crown states: "The Court in R. v. JP ruled that the combined...
  2. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    R v. Hitzig 2003- [170] First, if we do not suspend our order, there will immediately be a constitutionally valid exemption in effect and the marihuana prohibition in s. 4 of the CDSA will immediately be constitutionally valid and of full force and effect. In R. v. Parker, supra, this court...
  3. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I will educate you, give you some of my knowledge and personal experiences on protecting your s 7 rights ;)
  4. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    Grow your own folks..if you get busted call me before you call a lawyer! ;)
  5. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    "[11] As we have held, the MMAR did not create a constitutionally acceptable medical exemption. In Parker, this court made it clear that the criminal prohibition against possession of marihuana, absent a constitutionally acceptable medical exemption, was of no force and effect. As of April 12...
  6. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    Case*Law Facts* On July 31, 2000 in R.v. Parker the Ontario Court of Appeal declared the marihuana prohibitions invalid, and suspended the declaration of invalidity for*one year. The prohibition*would become invalid on Aug. 01, 2001. [11] Accordingly, I would uphold the trial judge’s...
  7. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    John Conroy should be calling me after lunch and I will make him aware how unclear this judges order is and if he can have things clairified.
  8. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I could bring up so much more even for patient to still have a right to choose what program the belong to..these issues were delt with already in parker hitzig J.P Sfetkopoulos Beren..Mernaug and smith...Ill be bringing up as much as I can in my Judicial Review in next 30 days in Toronto.
  9. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    Im thinking I should intervene in the conroy trial...hmmm
  10. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    Dont be forced into mmpr folks..grow your own its your right!!
  11. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I just left a msg for JC..I asked if be in could have the judges decision clairified on there issue's. . Examples: My dg shut down and dont want to grow for me anymore and i want to grow my own? Hc sent a unregistered letter to my grow opp violating my privacy and i want to change my grow...
  12. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    120-140 juiced..30 g makes me 3 grams of hash..I smoke and vape 20-30 g per day allows I make oil caps and that allows me 10 - 20 so for edibles and teas..
  13. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I juice for serious stomach isuse..i was at 130 g but the cops beat me up again after i showed him my pink slip and fucked up my shoulder, caused me more mental and physical anguish i increased to 200...i use many forms of consentrates and extracts as well :) I like pure medication so I...
  14. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    The last thing listed on my file at hc is that I do not want any corospondence from hc whatsoever. ;) now they will never be late again! :) lol
  15. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    They have processed mine in less then 24 it came on the 4th and wasnt even effective until the tenth they sent so
  16. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    well concidering HC or that judge doesnt have a medical license and not my dr..ya id say they will have no choice but to accomodate me and others. im not being confind to my house!! lol
  17. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    yes not good with that as my script is 200 per day and I travel until I challenge that in the next month..ill let you know. ;)
  18. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    nothing will change but you carry same plant count same.
  19. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    so if I shut down my grow already..and now I want to change my grow location? or I had a dg..but now I want to grow my own? many questions to be location has been breached from the unregisterd mail sent out..I want to move..many issues..enjoy your weekend dont stress...things will...
  20. Doc Weedlaw

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    your being forced to grow your own..your not being force into the mmpr ;)