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  1. journo

    best hallucinogen for a first timer?

    I always started slow with anything new, i.e 10 quid pills, then half an acid, then a full, then 2 etc just pace yourself, chill out, try it first at home with the door closed, phone off and all sources of iritation and just enjoy where it takes you :) i recommend 1 tab of acid and a music...
  2. journo

    Where can you buy good light fittings for cfl growing in new zealand?

    loads of places should post out to you guys ... dno if they post as far as you but these guys are really friendly and not too pricey
  3. journo

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    blunts are good but rip skins are the way forward ... lovely 15 inch joint thats using bubblegum and apple rips is just a great taste combo... none of this joining skins shit
  4. journo

    Camouflage for Cannabis

    go to a garden center and take loads of random cuttings that look like your outdoor strain ... i,e purple japanese maple that mimicks both the size and bushyness of the crop
  5. journo

    Not a hallucinatory drug, but for those well-versed in Cocaine

    speeds cheap as here man 90 for an ounce for paste off a polish guy i know smells like cat piss and 1 gram stops you sleeping for 2 days, no eating, no sleeping, no desire for any other drugs becuase even a joint can make you trip to me its worse than acid
  6. journo

    Acid At Raves.

    thats the buzz but ... thinking about repurcussions stops you having what could be the best night of your life so just hammer pills like smarties nd see where it takes you
  7. journo

    Not a hallucinatory drug, but for those well-versed in Cocaine

    do you guys get speed in the states ? a mate of mine was heavy on flake (£95 a g) and we weaned him off by offering him speed and making him smoke a joint ... you trip so much that it puts you off both for a long time
  8. journo

    Has Anyone Had E Pill Related Health Problems?

    there have been a few pills in my area with people having seizures nd shit once the Mkat dried up, one of my mates said it was the speckly (smack) eckies that were floating about like crowns and shamrocks ... dno what truth there is but
  9. journo

    Acid At Raves.

    make a trip to Scotland just for rockness ... atmosphere is amazing, music is great, pills and acid are cheap and tickets are only £110 and it starts on my birthday .... sun,grass and flying into the sky on the bungee after 15 pills has to be tried just once
  10. journo

    Acid At Raves.

    taking acid at music festivals is just THE best feeling ever man ... chase and status live at rockness last year after 3 tabs ... insanity and love haha
  11. journo


    Hi, im writing for a college newspaper and wondered if any of the med users would give me an email interview ? you can remain totaly anonymous and its just to verify what i beleive as a smoker would make medical cannabis important as a tool to educate others on the benefits long term rather than...