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  1. Hmong559

    Idk wats going in if anything

    I know thanks lol im just not a paition guy lol sorry my spilling not so great but yeah I gotta bring down the heat those ac device is just too dam expencive
  2. Hmong559

    Idk wats going in if anything

    my plants r in there 4th week in flowering but I dont see any nugs popping out yet its 100% satvia idk if its because of that. Thats y its not buddin or is it sumthang eles my room is pretty hot too I cant bring the temp down I have two fan running a one of those ac that u can put in ur window...
  3. Hmong559

    Wats the best estacy u have taken

    shit u lucky I been lookin for pokes for years now at least 2 years nothing found only fake one
  4. Hmong559

    Wats the best estacy u have taken

    wat is good out there havent seen a good pill for a long time now wat is good now jw:-P
  5. Hmong559

    MDMA Crystals (PICTURES)

    I rather have good old normal x just that everything out not is bad pill I dont even know wats good now
  6. Hmong559

    Need a little advice. on cfls.

    go to walmart they have these good big one for bout ten bucks 27k I think it waz 100 watt but equls 200 watt I had that for my first run turnout good get two of those light one spliter n one hood n u good to go one clf put out 3000+ lumes
  7. Hmong559

    Over veg too tall

    Thanks I tryed supercropping I just hope I didit rite lol well see if them girl get up in a few days rite
  8. Hmong559

    Over veg too tall

    waz uo every one im new n I need help my grow room is 8by8by7 im growing durban posion I over veg it now there touching light I got no room to move the light any higher can I like top half the plant off its under a 1000 watt oh yeah itsin the 3rd week of flower help thank