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  1. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    thx for the help : )
  2. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    no im not just starting 12/12 they need about a week more or less actually... lol but i do need advice on how to hang.. and cure? and what that even really is?. can anyone help?
  3. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    like i said before im new to all this... whats the proper way to dry your weed when its ready? i still have a few weeks till its ready but just getting my mind prepared... and whats curing exactly? here are a few pics enjoy.. thanks for everyones help
  4. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    ok cool thx for you help mann
  5. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    umm i have 2 indica's (Magic) and then 3 sativa's (Afgooy) there almost 3 and half feet tall, and i started to put them under 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, its been 4 days now and there still is no change is that normal? how do i know when i should harvest and all that? thanks...
  6. HumboldtHigh

    Begining 12/12 cycle

    how long should i wait about before i harvest? how do you harvest? whats the best way to get all the buds and everything? thanks
  7. HumboldtHigh

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    anyone know the answer to this?
  8. HumboldtHigh

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    is it better to leave the plants out of direct light after transplanting them? or should they remain under light?
  9. HumboldtHigh

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    actually its for soil? what do you recommend?
  10. HumboldtHigh

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    whats the best way to transplant a plant with minimal shock? it says on this one bottle of superthive to soak the roots for 15min. what does that mean like all the dirt with the roots, or rinse the off then soak them? plz help
  11. HumboldtHigh

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    could anyone help on this topic, im haveing the same issue with my plants when i transplant them...
  12. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    how do you know if your plants a male or female? how do you make clones off your plants you have already? how tall should they be before you start to make them flower? thx for the help..
  13. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    no i'm pretty sure it wasnt spidermites that got them, i think they all died from shock, so now im trying super thrive on the pants i transplanted... hopefully this helps the situation.
  14. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    ok well my plants died haha.. well i wasnt really laughing when i saw them dead... so i went to the club and bought 3 more.. i had to transplant one of them to a bigger pot. how would you recommend doing a transplant? i used starilized soil and all... any suggestions would def help? is it common...
  15. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    im using 1 gallon pots, with sterilized soil. and i do have a fan going all day long. what do spider mites look like, i dont think i have them but then again i was told that there are alot of them out at the moment up here so im not quite sure. or is there any kind of sickness that the plants get?
  16. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    the temp is always around 79 degrees. light was about 5 feet away, but i just moved it about 2 feet away now so its closer. i was watering everyday, now im only watering every 2-3 days?
  17. HumboldtHigh

    Welcome New Members!

    hey im a super rookie when it comes to growning, i have 2 plants i just bought from the medical club, i have 650w light for it a fan running in the room, and there dying. i dont know why... any suggestions? i dont think i over watered them ...?