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  1. G

    plant hight??

    ok where and when do i cut the stem pics?? MY PLANTS ONLY 4 INCHES TALL WITH ONLY 3 full leaves and a bunch of single (not formed leaves when should i cut it and where ...THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP GUYS IM LOVING THIS SITE!!!
  2. G

    plant hight??

    is there a way to make my plants grow short and fat.. im growing 1 plant with a 70 watt hps my room is 2 ft wide but 5 ft long its 5 ft tall but because its built up against a shelf at about 3 ft high the room goes to only 1 foot wide is there a way to grow my plants short and fat or possibly...
  3. G

    Bud dryer - manicured to smoke in 3 days

    props on this very good idea
  4. G

    what light to use?????????

    my grow room is about 2 ft wide 5 foot long and 3 foot tall but at the ceiling it keep going up to 5 ft but the width decreases from 2 ft to 1 ft like an L shaped room
  5. G

    what light to use?????????

    so im growing 1 plant right now but planning on growing 2 possibly 3 but probably just 2 what kind of light should i buy and were can i buy a light money isnt a problem i want whats good but i also dont want to spend 300 on one light.. let me know your opinions..thanks
  6. G

    build a grow room never grown

    hey thanks alot man help is apreciated:mrgreen:
  7. G

    build a grow room never grown

    by the way the light was from home depot and is just like a flood light or something like that
  8. G

    build a grow room never grown

    so i posted before but i figured i would update... i finished my room im only growing 1 plant right now possible 2 shortly so judge on that scale.... the room growing in is 2 ft wide 5 ft long and 4 ft tall i have 2 20 watt grow light light bulbs they have been on the plant for about a month...
  9. G

    my baby seems to be dying help

    its was starting to look better now the leave or just turning brow and working there way toward the center of the plant what could cause this??
  10. G

    !!!!Built room need someone with knowlege!!!!!!!

    damn ill have to figure something out is it as strong as the smell of burning weed itself,(it doesnt really matter if i got caught they arnt that strict) just be weird becausehow legit the room looks now that its done I FINISHED IT TODAY here are some pics of the base of how its built and what...
  11. G

    !!!!Built room need someone with knowlege!!!!!!!

    Ok, so im still living with my parents but wanted to try and build a grow room (dont laugh:mrgreen:) so i built a room its almost done. The room is kind of an L shape (space reasons) its 6 1/2 ft long 2 ft wide and 5 ft tall (about 3 ft up the L comes in and it is only 1 ft wide) SEE...
  12. G

    my baby seems to be dying help

    thanks guys i apreciate the help
  13. G

    my baby seems to be dying help

    im very new to the growing and just took it on as a hobbie so please let me know if i just failed. i planted the seed in new soil in a cut in half water bottle it gre for a few weeks and is a little taller then a lighter it has about 4-6 leave including the non textured smooth ovular leaves...