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  1. G

    how many till im screwed???

    ive looked everywhere but still cant find anything so im asking the site i live in kansas how many plants untill punishment gets serious like if anyone could make a scale of # of plants -punishment i dont know i just dont want to go to jail for a long time for a loving hobby
  2. G

    Ahhh, beautiful beautiful seeds....

    those look amazing i wish i could get some to the US in some sort of safe manner
  3. G

    First grow, am i doing ok?

    no you cannot buy what your looking for at home depot but check ebay or if you do have any stores around try for a 400 or 600 watt hps you cant just buy the bulb you will need the ballast too and the whole setup is over $100
  4. G

    found a great way to germ!!!

    well many of you may argue this but i have started over 20 seeds this way and every single one has worked not 1 single seed failed... i took a wet paper towel (no colors on it) folded it over 3 times and soaked it in a water cup with soil in it (muddy water) ring it out just a tad to where...
  5. G

    First grow, am i doing ok?

    yes if you can afford it go with the hps 400 watt but you would need alot more for 11 plants i started off with flourecents for two weeks my plant didnt seem like it was going anywhere i went up to home depot and just picked up a 70 watt hps and in 1 week it had grow 3 times what it grew in the...
  6. G

    my plant has a problem HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    the ph is right at 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do i add phos also its not to flowering yet is about 1 month 10 days old
  7. G

    !!!whats your nutrient schedual!!!!

    I just wanted to see what everyone else does with their plants and their growth reactions... this is for indoor growing only -------------------------------- what soild mixture do you start with and what nutrients do you add (brands amounts and times per week/month) seed-flowering
  8. G

    my plant has a problem HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    i read all the faqs but still cant figure it out, i started my plant in normal soil DIDNT MIX WITH ANYTHING, I add MIRACLE GROW (liguid) on ocasion WITH THE WATER BUT NO OTHER NUTRIENTS I USE A 70 watt HPS LIGHT HUMITY IS 55% I WATER EVERY 3 DAYS THE LEAVES ARE TURNING YELLOW THEN BROWN AND...
  9. G

    plant leaves failing!!!!! help

    ok ive ben growing this plant for quite a while it was my first grow and dont know much about what to use... i planted it in a 3 gallon bucket in miracle grow soil i water it about every 3 days and on ocasion ad miracle grow drops into the water the plant is about 2 ft tall and the bottom leaves...
  10. G

    male and female plant together

    i have a few plants together i cant tell if they are male or female how old or (grown) do they have to be before they can cross polonate i want to move any male plants out of the area asap... any help would be apreciated
  11. G

    moving plants

    my plant is grown in door and is still in the vegtive stage only about a month old im moving 30 minutes away and moving right back in doors will it kill my plantto move it and how should i ...details/ help
  12. G

    male or female??

    is this a male or female pics are crappy but if you cant tell is there a way i can and also is there a way to tell when they are young ??
  13. G

    male plant by female

    well ive been growing 1 plant for about 1.5 months now and its about 1.5 ft tall its for sure a female.. i decided to grow more and put a few in the same area (right next to the big plant) pots almost touching 1 of them is about 2 inches now and looks like it has the litle female wiskers im...
  14. G

    steroid room????

    no the room drawing was just an idea to show where i wanted to possition the lamps im mainly wandering if this would be a good idea this is just an example but the reason i thought of this is because with my setup now and many people i see the lower part of the plant gets no light and has low...
  15. G

    steroid room????

    i was andering what peoples thought were on my grow room idea i drew a picture so u got the hint:eyesmoke: do you think the plants would grow faster and more healthy if i mounted a 400 watt hps above all the plants (giving the plants there reds) then on all 4 walls mounted with the bulbs...
  16. G

    4 week old bloomer?

    if im correct they should they will yield less but but you can start plants on a 12/12 schedual from sead and they will create one big bud.
  17. G

    What should I do from here?

    so are you saying your keeping two plants next to male one female???? if so bad idea move them away from eachother
  18. G

    blueberry plant??

    i have a strange growing my own little buddy here and was remembering back in 3rd grade when my teacher used to grow a plant or celery in water and add food coloring and the plant would turn that color.. do you think if i started watering my plant from birth with like blueberry...
  19. G

    newb from the midwest

    what up taco i see your lookin out... hallar
  20. G

    harvesting, pics and a question

    that weed looks like mersh dude.. learn how to grow