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  1. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    How would I check temps in the roots?
  2. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    ok cool thanks a lot. I wish I didn't feed today
  3. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    These are consistent temps during the day. At night it gets to 59 but none of the others are showing these sings, and this started happening about a week ago. yes happy frog has food in it. Someone said too much n also.
  4. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    Hey thanks for the reply brother Ok so I do have some dark leafs. I got it in happy frog soil feeding with microbe life photosynthesis plus, and nourish-l , bio bizz grow and cal mag. The reading was the feed. I don't get runoff when I water
  5. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    I got a very lush healthy looking plant at like 7 weeks with the tips curling. No discoloration whatsoever. I just fed todayand checked my ph it's at 6.9. It started curling about a week ago. No idea what's the problem
  6. DSinatra

    Started my first grow room come along for the ride.

    I I seee you have a lot of autos. I have a couple going right now and I don't know much about them. Right now they are about 3 1/2 weeks old in k cups. I was told I got to transplant right away because as soon as the roots hit the cup it will stop expanding and I'll just end up with a cola the...
  7. DSinatra

    Watering for soil.

    Nice. Can't wait to hear everyone's preferences and reasons
  8. DSinatra

    Watering for soil.

    Thank you brother.
  9. DSinatra

    Watering for soil.

    Let's start with how do you water and how often. When my plants are 3 or 4 weeks old I feed with just water. I water at the stalk of the plant and I avoid runoff. Do.You prefer to water the whole bed of soil or just at the stalk?
  10. DSinatra

    did I top these right ?

    If I had to choose one it would be the 3rd. You want an even air exchange or some type of exchange exhaust out of the room and an intake with
  11. DSinatra

    did I top these right ?

    GI've it some time. Topping is very stressful for them and will take a little bit to bounce back
  12. DSinatra

    did I top these right ?

    Like this. (look at the trichs already on it)
  13. DSinatra


    9? Can you explain please?
  14. DSinatra

    did I top these right ?

    Ok guys how about this...what do you think is the best way to top to keep em short and slim. Not bushy. I gotta fit 10 under 1k with low ceilings.
  15. DSinatra


    Thats what mine is at right now. Same thing last night. I thought it would of degassed and raised the ph but it didn't. Maybe because my nutes are Damn near organic? I'll have to check again tomorrow
  16. DSinatra


    I'm running microbe life photosynthesis plus, microbe live nourish-l,bio bizz grow and cal mag. I haven't started feeding yet just transplanted.
  17. DSinatra


    Let's start this thread. What do you set your ph to?
  18. DSinatra

    Biobizz & Microbelife

    I know what fim is the thing with that is I need short slim plants. I have 11 that need to go under 1k.Also I would of topped/fim already but in want to wait till its growing normal again. Yesterday it was droopy due to the transplant but thus morning it was perked up like nothing happened. This...