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  1. H

    Need help diagnosing Autoflower lemon ak 5 weeks into flowering

    12 and 18 inch, you are too close to the plant. Do you notice the highest leafes are burnt but not the ones lower?
  2. H

    the best led lighting to grow

    You kids need to stop about china mfg LED. I have been using maxisun, nothing wrong with the harvest. I don't stick to one type of lights during late flowering. I givem 3 or 4 types of lights from the sides as well to get below the canopy. The specrometer picture is very educating. The lumins...
  3. H

    Defoliation Trial - 4 Clones

    So what were the findings with different type pruning on similar clones?
  4. H


    You need a padlock or they won't germinate.. comon, just leave them alone don't ovet water or subject to high heat. Drowning or cooking are not good for seeds.
  5. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    Not in soil as my setup is hydro. I did once and it was too hard to dig the roots out and wash them to be transplanted.
  6. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    Thanks, I will leave them wrapped up so at least I know I am not cooking them. One variable out of the equation.
  7. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    Some posts say they do not need light, am I doing the right thing by wrapping the ziplock with a tower and placing it under light source? In the past I used to put them under incandescent it they were just fine.
  8. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    Thanks for explaining this. I agree with you the seeds were good. But in each try, I used brand new paper towel, and brand new bag to avoid disease, water from the faucet so it has enough ingredients. So you say I drowned them or cooked them?
  9. H

    Is it a hermaphrodite?

  10. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    I meant cracked open after couple of days being moist. How is that a grower issue?
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    Seeds poping open but not growing

    I think excess water is the problem too
  12. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    These were good seeds from a seed bank preseved in dry ziplocks in a dark place for about 5 years. I used them before they were fine. I am now trying with barely moist paper towel in ziplock but completely shielded from light in a a towel put under incandescent light at about 12 in to give them...
  13. H

    Seeds poping open but not growing

    I will ask my question: Never had a problem poping seeds in damp paper towel inside a ziplock bag with a blow of air. I have 5 years old seed, they crack but do not grow. After a week the white internals of the seeds turns mushy so I figure its dead. I put them under LED light, incandescent and...
  14. H

    My germinated seed's taproot has stopped growing

    Not sure if anyone still watching this thread. However, I will ask my question: Never had a problem poping seeds in damp paper towel inside a ziplock bag with a blow of air. I have 5 years old seed, they crack but do not grow. After a week the white internals of the seeds turns mushy so I figure...