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  1. med123

    Seedling issue

    Thanks for the help
  2. med123

    Seedling issue

    I haven't fed any nutes yet, my soil is pro mix potting mix. The fan wasn't directly pointed at any of them just in the corner of my tent enough to move the leaves a little. the strains are sour kush reserva privada and royal queen seeds special kush #1
  3. med123

    Seedling issue

    Hello a couple of my seedlings leaves are curling I don't no what the problem Is cause 6 out of the 10 are healthy. I'm using a 4 foot 4 bulb t5 I keep it 6-8 inches away and I have a fan at all times any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. med123

    2 day old cutting help plz

    not shure whats wrong with some of my clones, cut them 2 days ago ant not shure if its cause of to much light or to much water on the bottom of the dome, here are the pic hope u can help. thanks
  5. med123


    how can i store the seeds if i wanna wait to germinate them?
  6. med123


    alright thanks everyone, i was aware how to germinate just wasn't shure if it could be done right away.
  7. med123


    is it possible to germinate a seed you found in your bag right way or do you have to wait and do something to it? thanks
  8. med123

    looked around first, still need help...

    hi today i am just wondering what is going on with my plant? it is slowly turning yellow from the bottom up. my plant is flowering and would hate for something to get messed up now. i was wondering if it was nute burn or something or if its anything different. thanks.
  9. med123

    top of my plant snapped on early flowering plant. Please Help!

    ok thanks... its been snapped for about a day now should it be fine after i tape it still?
  10. med123

    top of my plant snapped on early flowering plant. Please Help!

    8-9 inches of my main stem snapped but is still holding on with a piece of stem, there are two other tops will they continue to grow or will it all die? also would it survive if i taped it or will it not work because it is flowering? thanks for the help
  11. med123

    Flowering Indoor Plants put Outside?

    the strain is super lemon haze
  12. med123

    Flowering Indoor Plants put Outside?

    i have some plants that are about 2 feet tall and are a couple weeks into bud there are only small buds forming. i was wondering if i would put them outside would they go back to veg and be alright or hermie? these plants are beautiful and would hate to see something happen to them. thanks
  13. med123

    Lighting Question

    hi i want to start a grow in a 3x3 space i have but i have a question. I want to use a 600watt HPS but i think it will be way to warm for the room i have. if anybody has a better light or cheap easy ways to keep the temps down in my grow room please let me know. thanks