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  1. jmatarazzo

    Auto Berry Bomb

    Sorry Here are the daily pics
  2. jmatarazzo

    Auto Berry Bomb

    Hello everyone. Today was her first real watering. Ran a half gallon through. Still on a 24 hour cycle. I did not ph my water this time around. I'm not sure my tester is 100% accurate. which one do you guys prefer. if its the digital one then i will go out and get the calibration kit. if its the...
  3. jmatarazzo

    Auto Berry Bomb

    Hello everyone. it's day four. Everything is going good so far she is a bit taller. Ive decided im going to go with a 24 light cycle for now then when she is a bit stronger i'm going to switch her to 20/4. 2 more days till her first real watering. I will always post some pics with every posting...
  4. jmatarazzo

    Auto Berry Bomb

    Its friday. 36 hours and she has popped through. Not going to give any water for another 4-5 days. Just a light spritz here and there. Ive included some pics of my ghetto veg box. It's ugly as shit but it I'm going to keep a regular update on waters,feeds.and when i switch it into...
  5. jmatarazzo

    Auto Berry Bomb

    Hello all growers. This is my first time growing an auto strain. Thought i might try something different. I"m using an Auto Berry Bomb from Bomb Seeds. It's already been germinated to the point that i got my tap root and put it into a 3 gallon smart pot using only Happy Frog. That"s in a...
  6. jmatarazzo

    Pros and Cons???

    I live in an apartment so turning dirt and worms in a wheel barrel isn't going to work. I use ffof for my grow medium which is organic but I'm looking for a line or recipe for bottled mutes. Preferably a kit. Thanks again for the quick responses
  7. jmatarazzo

    Pros and Cons???

    Could anyone explain what are the pros and cons of organic vs chemical nutes. Not looking for the health reasons or that its good for the planet blah blah blah..What i am looking for is how it effect's the growing of the plant. does it make stronger buds, the taste, speed of growth, and so on...
  8. jmatarazzo

    Feeling the burn

    Ok she back under cfl's. Should i trim her dead leaves, or just leave them there?
  9. jmatarazzo

    Feeling the burn

    Never had this problem before. So I thought the light may be to strong for the little girl.
  10. jmatarazzo

    Feeling the burn

    I just transferred her yesterday. It got a bit worse overnight.
  11. jmatarazzo

    Feeling the burn

    hello growers I'm trying to grow a black kush. Before i always have grown with cfl's. Now i would like to get away from the fluffy buds, so i purchased a mars 600. my plant is 2 weeks old, its in Foxfarms ocean forest without any nutes. the light is 24 inches away. i started veg under the cfl's...
  12. jmatarazzo


    Im sure this has been asked a thousand time already. i have a 32 inch by 32 inch tent.Should i use a 400 or 600 watt hps ? Only 1 plant at a time. Ive been using 7 150 watt cfl. foxfarms trio,,molasses jacks classic bloom booster. and i got fluffy buds. Any help would be great. THANX
  13. jmatarazzo


    Im in foxfarms. At this point i usualy fill up a water bottle 25-30 percent with my nute mix and the rest with water. My plant is also a bit strechy. Its about 2 inches or less from a 100 watt equivalent. Any tips on keeping them a bit more short? The strain is chocolate kush.
  14. jmatarazzo


    Lets start with that im still in the solo cups. I am using all foxfarms products. None of them are all natural except for the "grow". The booklets said to use 6 tsp per gallon for the first few weeks. Since im only going to be using small amounts. Would it be stupid or a waste to put the rest of...
  15. jmatarazzo

    Chocolate kush

    Its now the first full week. Little girls look good. Look a bit strechy though. I know the cause for plants to strech is light being to far. I cant put the light any closer. Like i said its been one week and the are a solid 2 inches. What would be another trick to keep them from streching so...
  16. jmatarazzo

    Chocolate kush

    Hello riu friends. This is my first journal and my second grow. First grow was pineapple chunk. I learned alot during my first grow with alot of help from all of you on first time was 1 plant, this time im going to be a bit more brave and gofor 2 plants. Well im already into my first...
  17. jmatarazzo

    Organic Flush

    I'm ready to do a final flush before harvest. i know the reason to flush is to wash out all the salts and chemicals. I also have read that most people flush for about 2 weeks. If my grow was done with all organic nutrients, and no chemicals. Would i still need to flush for 2 weeks? could i do a...
  18. jmatarazzo


    Just wondering if a translucent bucket would be a bad idea? I was thinking that being able to see more of the roots would be interesting,or would the roots getting light be a bad thing?
  19. jmatarazzo

    Am i close?

    I know its a female. I baught feminized seeds and in the picture you can see some pistols.
  20. jmatarazzo

    Am i close?

    This is my first grow.please be patient with me. Ive been in 12-12 for almost 2 weeks. Since i havent grown before i would like if i could get a response if im getting close to seeing some actual bud. These are picks of the 3 tall branches at the top. As for derails. Its a pineapple chunk...