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  1. jmatarazzo

    Wont stop growing

    last week i flipped over to 12-12,and my plant is still growing as if i never turned off the lights. i see a few hairs on my stalks,but i'm starting to run out of room in my tent. should i turn off the lights for 24-48 hours to stunt its growth a bit? And cfl's dont run as cool as everyone else...
  2. jmatarazzo

    Chocolate kush

    Has anyone grown this strain. If so could you give some tips on what she would like and dislike.and how is the end result?
  3. jmatarazzo

    Veg or flower

    I get your point. But some things are more important than other. You dont walk on your hans,and if you dont eat than your asshole has nothing to boat has an engine but no tires. So you point is taken but isnt what was asked. So now. Would anybody like to actualy have a decent topic/debate?
  4. jmatarazzo

    Veg or flower

    This is more of a pole. not an actual Question. What is more Important veg or flower, and why? I personally would say veg. First off you need veg to get to flowering. Secondly the bigger your bush the more"buds" you will have. So i would veg longer and put more time and effort into it.
  5. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    At dr. Who im not using mg. Im using ffof.this is going to sound stupid. But could i disolve calcium pill and use that?
  6. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    I started with distilled. But again was told to stop because it had no calcium. Then used tap with calmag,tap by itself.
  7. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    Ill try.
  8. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    Yep thats what i was told. But when i started to use the cal mag it did nothing. So someone said that i must be locked up, and that the calmag isnt getting there. And i flushed with tap water which is pretty hard.
  9. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    If there is anymore info or pics needed ji ust ask and ill give them.
  10. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    I will check out the link. But for the first person. Its pineapple chunk im using1/2tsp general hydroponics floranova grow. It has 4 100watt equivalents. Its in a 3x3x6 tent. With a 6"exhaust coming in and a 6"exhaust with a carbon filter going out.i was ph'ing but was told to stop. I also was...
  11. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    I would like to say thank to thegrey bush and dr.who. thanks for the links and the info. I was alway taught that a simple question would get a simple answer. I didnt want to start a big ruckus. Originally my question was meant to be about a specific strain. Maybe i didnt word it right but i do...
  12. jmatarazzo

    totally confused

    i believe i have a nutrient lockout due to my ph. i have 1 plant its in a 6 gallon bucket with ffof . its about 5 weeks. my leaves i turning brown then drying the part that is confusing me is that the water im putting in is at 8.2 and my run off is at was at 5.4. so i figured that i would...
  13. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    In my last post i didnt ask for shit. So why do you come on here giving me shit. I apologized and explained myself. If thats not good enough for you then gi fuck yourself.
  14. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    I would like to say thanks to the people that gave advice. This is my first time growing. I have watched a ton of videos and read a ton of articles. I have now spent well over 300 dollars to grow one plant. Im also getting overloaded on info. I thaught the question i asked was very basic. I am...
  15. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    Dudes where growing weed!!!
  16. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

  17. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    I looked it up. It seems like i need a masters degree in agriculture to understand this. I have 1 plant in a 3x3x6 tent. Im not trying do grow a farm. Could someone please give me some basic numbers.
  18. jmatarazzo

    Humidity & temperature

    Where should my humidity and temperature be? Right now im at 77-80 degrees and my humidity is at 37- 40. Its a pineapple chunk in soil.
  19. jmatarazzo

    Run off

    Should i keep watering it till it looks better. Ir should i stay on a water and feed schedule?
  20. jmatarazzo

    Run off

    Im growing pineapple kush from barneys and its supposed to be a indica. And the leaves aren't thin like a sativa would be. This plant is driving me nuts