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  1. Mr. Ben Dover

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    Nice plants man, whats the strain?
  2. Mr. Ben Dover

    Homemade fertilizer

    Thank you very much, that was very helpful. I think im gonna take your advice, cause id hate to have my plants die. You have to crawl before you can walk. Im talking baby steps right now, im gonna put on some fresh good soil on top of my plants. Good idea? or no
  3. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Why do you cure for a couple weeks when some cure for months. Whats the difference? Doesnt it affect the smoke? And how strong your ganja is or something?
  4. Mr. Ben Dover

    Homemade fertilizer

    Hey guys, im in the process of my first grow and i've heard multiple people talking about fertilizers you can make at home. I know more than half the crap you read online is BS, and i just wanted to get some EXPERIENCED growers advice. What kind of fertilizers can I home make. I have a bunch of...
  5. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    I will have new pictures of my plants up soon guys, looking good. There all so cute :)
  6. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Thank you very much, for not having any help and kind of just going at it by myself i think i did good. Next time a lot of changes will be made. Gotta learn from experience, its the best learning tool.
  7. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    It sure looks cool, anybody have experiece from using these or stuff like it? Look nice, and kinda looks like there not see in them. So you dont gotta worry about someone seeing your jars full of those beautiful buds :). I would most definitely get some.
  8. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Im going to cure them for sure, but im not to sure on what exactly im doing in the cure process. and how long i should cure them for. Any words of advice?
  9. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    If you do post something about the boxes, let me know. I would like to check that out. Sounds like its worth trying.
  10. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Thank you guys both, i will check them out.
  11. Mr. Ben Dover


    Hey guys, i've heard many different answers to this question but i thought I would get your opinion. Does topping a plant increase yield? Some strains its a bad idea to top them, if so which strains shouldnt you top? :weed:
  12. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    How much would jars run me? And where would be best to look for them?
  13. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Okay thank you guys. Now when i go to harvest, do i cut just under wear the "bud" stops? or what?
  14. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    How long would you say? Thank you, i know its not the best when i look through grow threads on this website. Would you have any words of advice to give? ANything i could improve on or do better?
  15. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Thank you very much guys, i was just curious is all. And you serious about wooden box's? Ive never heard someone doing that. Whatcha gotta do?
  16. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Hey guys whats up, i had a quick question. I see everyone using air tight jars for the curing process. Is it wise to use the jars, or can i use something else thats air tight. Like for ex. Tupperware or something haha. Im new and just curious if i only should use the Jars. Thanks.:blsmoke:
  17. Mr. Ben Dover

    Hey guys, im a new grower. Im on my way to harvesting my first plants. Im just over a month into...

    Hey guys, im a new grower. Im on my way to harvesting my first plants. Im just over a month into the flowering stage. Since day one, I've kinda fell in love with my plants. IDK if yall do haha :D. ANY-who, any tips would be awesome if guys see anything wrong with my first grow. I have a thread...
  18. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    haha yea i thought i would throw in a funny picture, well ive been saying two weeks but i keep seeing new growth. So im not to sure now. I planted early June
  19. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

  20. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Im about two weeks from harvest and id thought i would share my pics from with you. Didnt put up a thread because i wanted to learn from my mistakes at first. Now that im almost done i would like to hear what you guys think i could improve on and any tips would be awesome.