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  1. KocfOwned

    Any Budswel Users Out There?

    Hey all i to just picked up some Budswel and i was wondering since it contains a pretty good amount of P how i would go about feeding with it...Im am runnig the General Organics line with some flora nectar...My feeding schedule is Feed,water,water,water.Feed..should i replace the second watering...
  2. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    teach me sifu matt ^_^ im tired of making inferior hash brother...I only use the best trim when i make hash btw.. it doesn't come out bad..BUT nothing like what you posted
  3. KocfOwned

    General Organics Talk

    IM using the Small boy water filter from my tap...with the special chloramine and chlorine filter its has about 250 PPM already do you guys think i need to use cal mag?
  4. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    Matt that is the purest LOOKING bubble I've ever seen dude...and I've seen my fair share of bubble, how did you get it so pure??????
  5. KocfOwned

    General Organics Talk

    Im running in coco "technically" cuzz im running Roots organics and they are coco
  6. KocfOwned

    Welcome to KocfOwned's 3 Tent Grow

    Thanks man :D
  7. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    Agreed :D thanks again GanjaMystic
  8. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    Dammit it wont let me REP you again LOL Dude your VAT of useful knowledge bro ^_^....How some other questions for mentioned earlier not to poor to quickly as the nutrients will come out the bottom..aside from wasting good nutes lol is this bad? Prolly has to do with making sure there...
  9. KocfOwned

    Welcome to KocfOwned's 3 Tent Grow

    Hey guys here are the ladis in the flower room :D And here are all the lil ones in the vegg room
  10. KocfOwned

    General Organics Talk

    IIght brother :D thanks for the heads up
  11. KocfOwned

    General Organics Talk

    I have been using the smallest dosage as state on the back of the bottle...But in unison they are strong...I mixed up 10 ML's grow 10 ML's bloom 10ML's Marine 3 1/2 ML's Root and 5 ML's Weed got around like 850-900 PPM...Im getting a reading of about 5.1-5.2 ish which is ok...But im going to...
  12. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    LOL thanks for the Fast response broesf ^_^...and the Natural up wont kill my bennies??
  13. KocfOwned

    Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

    yea myles you and me are having the same issues with outdoor heat LOL..the past couple of days it was 85 outside which made the temperature inside my tents about 90 LOL so i had to run the AC which sucks cuzz thats a shyt ton more energy that i want to be using as MY ass is now paying the...
  14. KocfOwned

    Bleedmaize's Medical Perpetual 2000w Soilless Garden

    Fisrt off G-13 White widow all the way brosef its the Origional Black widow Genetics and secondly..Get a soil PH tester and take some readings....DO not listen to the people who say " ohh just dump a shyt ton of water in ur containers until it runs out the bottom and collect some and take...
  15. KocfOwned

    General Organics Talk

    Thanks guys,so silica blast it is effective is it in raising the PH btw? am i going to have to use more than the recommended dosage...and is it ok to use with every watering
  16. KocfOwned

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    hey matt quick question for you,I need to know how to PH up my Organic nutrient solution..I know lime does the trick But im running Roots Organics soil and im sure theres already a decent amount in there and dont want to go adding more than i need...I'm Running the G.O line and they say not to...
  17. KocfOwned

    Welcome to KocfOwned's 3 Tent Grow

    The fish fertilizer adds Bennys to my i need all the bennys i can get LOL...was thinking of brewing a Microbial tea for my ladies so i didn't have to use the fish apposed to getting a whole bunch of shyt and brewing it, my Hydro guy told me to buy a Pre-made tea bag from a...
  18. KocfOwned

    Welcome to KocfOwned's 3 Tent Grow

    hey guys here's a lil video update enjoy :D EDIT: i guess RIU doesn't like Embed video's or im not doing it right?
  19. KocfOwned

    Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

    true true :mrgreen:....and ur gunna flower em in 1 Gal. Pots? or something a lil bigger
  20. KocfOwned

    Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

    aww man I hated The SOG i did pain the in ass..had to move 17 plants eveyr time i wanted to water....not fun for me after a long day at work i went with a different approach this time..less plants bigger containers