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  1. gR33nDav3l0l

    1st grow. Any advice on what to do to this plant to increase yield.

    Fuck the nay sayers, the only way to learn is experimenting, there's no only way to grow weed. I've gotten far more than an ounce on smaller plants, there's nothing wrong with yours. You should have good expectations about your hard work. Next crop will always teach something else.
  2. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Jack Herer Auto Northern Lights Auto Flash Babylon Auto Northern Lights Auto Frosty and stinky, up to a great start this 2015
  3. gR33nDav3l0l

    Outdoor light to prevent them from flowering early in tropical climate?

    I'm in Central America, below Mexico and besides El Salvador and Honduras. Had a landrace sativa reveg, planted on 2013, got 2 harvests from it last year :eyesmoke: Both times was attacked fiercely by bud worms, they just LOVE sativas. As well as I do :weed:
  4. gR33nDav3l0l

    Outdoor light to prevent them from flowering early in tropical climate?

    In the part of the tropic I live in, In a bout a month and a half any flowering plant will return to vegetate :eyesmoke:
  5. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Waiting to harvest this autos, on their final weeks. 8 weeks of life on the last 2 pics.
  6. gR33nDav3l0l

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    118 is more familiar and friendly for me :eyesmoke:
  7. gR33nDav3l0l

    Something embarrassing

    I'm up for power stealing.
  8. gR33nDav3l0l

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    As someone who's lived in the tropical heat of the rainforest, I can't even imagine being under 50°F, let alone MINUS 50 :eyesmoke:
  9. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Righteously hitting flower. All 5 autos are taking longer than specified, I like that. Didn't grew that tall, I like that too.
  10. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I just removed a bunch of leaf miners off of all the plants. Mutilated some leaves in the process, teared little pieces here and there where the leaf miner damage was. I'm getting better at locating the little orange fuckers, leaves get just a little thicker where they at.
  11. gR33nDav3l0l

    $50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

    Inflated prices are not a good sign of economy. Prices are supposed to be set by the market also, not by the producers. Real profit is in bulk, like cartel or China, not on high marked products.
  12. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Northern Lights are hitting flower, starting to smell. Flash Babylon is not yet. 46 days.
  13. gR33nDav3l0l


    The branch will get fatter on each side of the bend or pinch, you can do it in different places of the same branch.
  14. gR33nDav3l0l

    GB Winter Greenhouse 2014-2015

    I've had salt build ups and burns with regular generic granule nutrients. With soluble stuff I've never had a problem, and I find they are easier to measure, although I don't really use a formula or a high a volume as all you fat cats. I'm using some miraclegro shit because it has a NPK ratio of...
  15. gR33nDav3l0l

    Outdoor light to prevent them from flowering early in tropical climate?

    What about red and yellow light from the sun rise and set?
  16. gR33nDav3l0l

    thanks, california!

    So Adam Smith was wrong?
  17. gR33nDav3l0l

    thanks, california!

    I thought lower prices and competition was good for the capitalist system, yes?
  18. gR33nDav3l0l

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Where I'm at, you can have like 7 months of enough sun exposure to vegg, but I've noticed plants know and feel when the solstice happens. There's never less than 11 hours of light, so even in the later months of the year you can have plants vegging and flowering, however if your plants are...
  19. gR33nDav3l0l

    Hey Bass players

    I got an old Washburn 4 string bass, sounds well with good strings. Twas cheap too, like 150$