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  1. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Well, it's day 10 from their birth. Yawn :sleep: At least they are getting a little size to them. Here are a couple of pictures showing their actual size: The first pic is my Roadrunner. Here are a couple more pics: I am a little concerned about how small they are, since I want to...
  2. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    There are now two sets of leaves on the little 'uns. I gave them a small drink of water last night because it is getting hot inside the house. It is really hot outside again and is expected to stay that way for at least another week. When growing, the maximum temp I allow inside the room is...
  3. medtoker

    The Attitude has the slowest shipping of any seed bank!

    Just sayin', I have ordered numerous times from the Attitude. On average, the 'tude gets the seeds to me in 10 calendar days. Most frequently, it arrives on the 9th calendar day. The shortest delivery time has been 7 calendar days (which does happen often) and the longest has been 13 days...
  4. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Still not much change, but I can tell they are getting ready to explode. Here is a close-up of a Kushberry X Skunk: and showing the streach This Sleestack X Skunk seems happy: I'm a little disappointed with this Auto Roadrunner so far, but I still have hope: It's only...
  5. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Still not much happening, which is good for the moment. Soon I will have to adjust the lights every day. Since they are so young and don't have a big root ball yet, I gave them a splash of water so they don't dry out. Not too much stretch so far. I can't wait to thin out the males and...
  6. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    I don't expect anything exciting to happen for the next couple of weeks, while these guys grow up. But here are some more pics: Notice the reflective properties of the Mylar. And some close-ups: bongsmilie
  7. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Today was an interesting day. The roots started to poke out of the peat pellets and it's time to transplant them to their first pots; So much for the efficient lighting. When I plant autos, they go directly in their final pot; So my Roadrunner takes up a lot of room. I also color code the...
  8. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    One of the Sleestack X Skunk seedlings started pulling itself out of the peat pellet overnight so I decided to re-plant it in a pot and hoped for the best. This one should grow relatively tall so I just put it in a medium sized pot. I will re-pot again in a couple of weeks. Day 4:
  9. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Thanks cacamal. I'm hoping this will be a simple grow. Here they are on October 3rd: October 4th (what I'm calling day 1 of vegitation): October 5th:
  10. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    For this grow, I will be using some of Attitude's freebies from 2009. I have 3 Kandy Kush X Skunk, 3 Sleestack X Skunk, 2 Kushberry X Skunk (I smashed one in storage), and 1 auto Roadrunner. They are a little old, but every one of them sprouted! The ‘tude rocks. Here is how I started...
  11. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Here are a few more pics of the cab set-up.
  12. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Let’s get to work, shall we? First, you will need to cut two sections from the piece of plywood. The first section should match the dimensions of the closet floor. Your goal here is to protect the carpeting. The second piece should be as wide as the closet is deep, and as tall as will...
  13. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Hello everyone and welcome to my most recent CFL closet grow. My hope is that this journal helps those even newer than me, and encourages them to give personal growing a try. Growing can be as easy or as difficult as you would like to make it. This journal is not meant to be a guide for...