Search results

  1. medtoker

    Cheaper to Order through Attitude than Direct from Nirvana?

    I've bought from both. Who knows why there is a difference. Maybe Nirvana has newer beans? Not saying that's true though. If it were me I would by Nirvana gear from nirvanashop and anything else from the Attitude. Like Boneman said, go with which one you are most comfortable with...
  2. medtoker

    First time doing AutoFlower: G13 Labs Auto AK Feminized

    bongsmilieI received this same freebie. Can't wait for the smoke report.bongsmilie
  3. medtoker

    If you could choose only 2 strains for the rest of your life to grow and enjoy...

    DNA Sour Cream and Serious White Russian. Fun times :blsmoke:
  4. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    They all sound so great. It's hard to choose. Since I'm indoors, height is a concern though. That rules a couple of them out.
  5. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    That's true, the worst I've heard about TGA is a hermie problem sometimes. But even that's a rare complaint. Boy, their descriptions do make my mouth water. Sounds like a good choice. I'm definately going to try some TGA on my next order.
  6. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    Nope. Just sayin that if it's too good to be true, then it can't be true. Right? I was hoping for a response like yours that confirms it's true. The way their described sounds fantastic.
  7. medtoker

    Lalaman's CFL microw grow 3x26 watt 2x23 watt

    I would love to see a strain that was purple from the start of veg or even start of flowering. Good luck!
  8. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    Jack Herer was my second order from Attitude. Grew it before I knew what I was doing. Half of them died during germination. Two made it into flower, and one was harvested. Very stretchy and fluffy. It still made my head spin, but I wasn't impressed. Again, I want to stress I didn't know...
  9. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    Wow. Thanks for the detailed response. I have heard a lot about TGA, but I get the feeling he just crosses the same plants and gives them different names. However, I'm NOT saying that's true at all, it just seems that way to me for some reason. I never really thought of Super Cali Haze. I...
  10. medtoker

    Best Indoor Sativa

    So I know this gets asked a lot. But I thought I would ask again with a few specifics and I am hoping I get some good advice. I will be ordering from the Attitude, so they need to carry the stock (even if they are sold out ATM). What is the best sativa to grow indoors? Criteria in order...
  11. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    I know, not much interesting is happening. But not much I can do about that. Well, I guess I am glad to say nothing much interesting is happening... They got their drink of tap water today. Still only H2O, but it was a really good drink. I made sure that the edges of pots were wet at least...
  12. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    The progress is slow, but steady and sure. I checked the soil this morning, and I think it should be a little drier before watering, so I'll wait another day. Like I said yesterday, I don't want it to get to a point where the leaves droop, but it is important that the roots get dry every few...
  13. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    It's hard to be patient, but at least they are starting to get a little more definition. I think they need water today, but that means it's probably too soon. I don't want them to wilt this young, but I have kept the soil a little damp over the past two weeks and it's time for them to dry out...
  14. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Thanks Murder//Mitten. Yeah, light will be an issue. I will start all the plants into the flowering phase. Once I know their sex, I will select one female from each strain and cut the rest. And if a particular strain doesn't have a female, I won't replace it with one of the others. So, I...
  15. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    First, I received my parcel from Attitude in yesterday's mail. I ordered very early Friday morning and it was at my door 8 calendar days later. Slightly better than normal, 7-13 days is the range so far. As you can see, they are starting to show some development: The next pic is my...
  16. medtoker

    The Attitude has the slowest shipping of any seed bank!

    Ordered from Attitude last Friday, received them in the USA today. 8 calendar days. Very nice.
  17. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Some of the plants in the larger pots are showing more size than the ones in smaller pots. Some of this might have to do with the lighting, and I know the Auto is on a different time schedule. Here is the Roadrunner: Here are some Kandy Kush X Skunk: So, it's been 15 days since I...
  18. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    I'm starting to like what I see. Right after these photos, I gave them their first real drink. Nothing but tap water, and not enough to soak the soil all the way through (these guys are still very small and won't use much water). Right now, I expect the root ball to be the size of an apple or...
  19. medtoker

    Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner

    Update - just got me first USPS update. My parcel just left NYC. Looks more like it will show up on Monday. Looks like the delivery time will be about average. Still, not bad at all. :peace:
  20. medtoker

    Lalaman's CFL microw grow 3x26 watt 2x23 watt

    Lol. My cats do the same thing. I know it's not funny. They seem to be the most vulernable as seedlings. Good luck, and practice makes perfect!:wall: