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  1. aesparza4

    Just lst My Plant! (Pics)

    Hey guys i just LST my plant i wanted to know what you guys think about it, i am little worried about how i did because this is the first time i have ever done it and all i had to go off of was what i found on the internet. the pic that is shown first is how it looked minutes before i tied her down.
  2. aesparza4

    Pics so far how do they look? Durban Pois./ LSD/ Blueberry

    yeah thats not bad for 18 days at all... how many watts do you have?
  3. aesparza4

    Pics so far how do they look? Durban Pois./ LSD/ Blueberry

    they look good man, but i dont know how old they are so i couldnt tell you if it is the right size for age. you could tell that your over watering them because they look a little droopy. are you growing indoor or outdoor? the more info you give about your grow helps the readers out to know more...
  4. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    alright thanks this is really helpful..... i hope i dont mess up with tying her down, it would really suck to mess up my grow
  5. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    i am planning on tying my plant down tomorrow or the day after that, how would you recommend shaping her when i start tying her down. cause i have seen people who have made there plant grow in a circle around the pot. how did you do the one in the picture cause it looks great... and not trying...
  6. aesparza4

    Transplanting during Flowering

    you should try to avoid transplanting your plant during flowering, but if you have no choice but to transplant it then go ahead, just be careful when doing this because your plant has roots like crazy. good luck on the transplant......+rep
  7. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    so would you say it would be good for me to give it those 2 extra hours of light and switch it to 18/6? and how much longer would you say i should veg for if i am growing it in a 5ft tall tent
  8. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    i have my plants 1-2in away from the light, should i move them closer?
  9. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    would 20/4 lighting really help out my stretching... because from what i have understood that 16/8 is the best lighting schedule
  10. aesparza4

    Topping Question (Pics)

    yeah of course lol i am a rookie but not that big of one =)
  11. aesparza4

    My Plant doing Fine?

    i think your plant is looking pretty good, i recommend you get some good soil in the new pot that your going to transfer it to because by the look of it the soil in the cup doesnt look that good(could be wrong tho) if you need any help with your grow post more info about it like indoor/outdoor...
  12. aesparza4

    Topping Question (Pics)

    i have heard that keepin them under 24hrs of light isnt that good, i have heard people say that its a living thing and that it needs sleep. if you are sure that it will make my plant bushier and help with the stretching then i will do it
  13. aesparza4

    Topping Question (Pics)

    the crazy part is that i am keeping it close the light because i am trying to avoid it from stretching. i have had the plant 1-2in away from the light since i got her but she just keeps growing so i have to keep moving up the light... i am growing in a 5ft tall 2x2 squared tent. i am using a...
  14. aesparza4

    Topping Question (Pics)

    what do you you mean 2nd set of true leaves
  15. aesparza4

    Topping Question (Pics)

    i dont know if it is time to top my plant. can some one who is experienced let me know if it is time to top her yet? and how do you guys think she looks for being 4 weeks old
  16. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    i have the light about 1-2in above the plant.... i move up the light when i take the pictures cause it gets too bright..... how much longer would you say i have left in veg until is hould switch to flower.... i am growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 tent. how much do you think it will grow when i...
  17. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    i am a little nevous to top my plant... i dont know where to cut it, i have read alot of online guides but i still dont feel comfortable
  18. aesparza4

    How is She Looking? (Pics)

    i am just curious how my plant is looking for 4 weeks old. she is a skywalker plant that is growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 squared tent. let me know what you guys think, people have been telling me that she is too small for how old she is.
  19. aesparza4

    How Many watts Should I Have in My Tent? Need Help!

    would it be more important to get that many watts in there right now or could i do it over time? should i have that many in there by time of flowering?
  20. aesparza4

    Is It to Late for LST? (Pics)

    thanks alot man, greatly appreciated. i will have pics up of it after i tie her down so come back around and let me know what you think