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  1. Floweed

    Help help help help

    I actually started a Journal for the grow. Here it is right here, Im about to upload more pics after I get some food, give me an hour.
  2. Floweed

    Help help help help

    That was a GREAT thread man thanks for that. I was looking for threads like that for motivation.
  3. Floweed

    Help help help help

    i bet you still got high as shit off the smoke though lol
  4. Floweed

    Help help help help

    in 2-3 days, if its thrown out more of those white hairs, its flowering
  5. Floweed

    Help help help help

    im only growing two right now so i just put it in another room. Its a big ass plant and im gonna get a few ounces off of it so ill just take the seeds out... and plant them outside cuz its ALMOST MAY MON!!!!!!!! YAGGA!!!!!!!!
  6. Floweed

    GreenHouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze Hermie + Positronics Seeds Critical #47

    This was my first attempt at a scrog, and I fucked it all the way up lol. I mighta made the squares too small for one, and I vegged for about 3 1/2 weeks and didnt train em right so you'll see what happened.
  7. Floweed

    GreenHouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze Hermie + Positronics Seeds Critical #47

    The beginning. thats SLH on the left and Critical #47 on the right.
  8. Floweed

    GreenHouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze Hermie + Positronics Seeds Critical #47

    Ok. Im halfway through a grow so I'll go ahead and start documenting it here now. Feel free to talk shit or just look and not say anything at all. RIU is facebook for my Herb.
  9. Floweed

    Help help help help

    if i leave the hermied SLH in the room with the critical #48 and it pollinates it, i know all the seeds will be female, but will all of them be hermies too? or can it go either way simply because they have the trait?
  10. Floweed

    Help help help help

    What about this
  11. Floweed

    Help help help help

    damn. i think im going to just put it in a different room and see what happens...
  12. Floweed

    Help help help help

    kool beans. im about to razor those sacks off now. thanks man.
  13. Floweed

    Help help help help

    god, anybody
  14. Floweed

    Help help help help

    I've got Super Lemon haze and Critical #48 growing. Im 3 weeks into flowering and my SLH has thrown out some BALL SACS!!!!! Heres a pic and this is the only place on the plant i see them so far. I dont see any in any of the buds or anywhere else. SO what do you think, is it hermie? should I move...
  15. Floweed

    super lemon haze scrog uvb monster

    Damn bro this was messed up. Shit made me sad... I got SLH and Critical #48 in a scrog now but in ffoc. This is another thread thats makes me say the hell with hydroponics...
  16. Floweed

    Positronics Seeds Critical #47

    well thats got me excited af!!!! lol. my very last grow had to be scrapped cuz helicopters started hovering over my pops house. i moved though and this grow im going to keep it simple. 2 plants (GHS Super Lemon Haze, and the #47 freebie). Scrog, and with LEDs this time, Im tired of all the heat...
  17. Floweed

    Positronics Seeds Critical #47

    i got one on the way as well, freebie. this is my first time hearing about these people, lets see what they're about.
  18. Floweed

    Auto Flowering Jock Horror & Bag-Seed Grow

    This is a clone from that big bag seed i end up having to throw out. I WISH I woulda kept it cuz its some str8 DANKY DANK!!!! It smells like diesel gasoline. I've smoked sour diesel b4, or what was SUPPOSED to be Sour D, but the shit didnt smell like this. This plant really smells like a...
  19. Floweed

    Auto Flowering Jock Horror & Bag-Seed Grow

    Thanks! and cool I'll check them out.