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  1. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    33 days since I put these in a wet paper towel. Electric bill has only gone up about $65. It got down to -21F last night.
  2. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    They’re gonna blow up. It is fun seeing daily growth.
  3. Alright alright alright


    Wow, sweet room. I’m looking to get there at some point. I’m licensed for 48 and have a 20x50 space. Only working out of a 6x10 room right now. Smell would be a problem due to a few neighbors close by.
  4. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Can’t wait to see them in a week.
  5. Alright alright alright


    I’m not sure this makes any sense but I’ve been watching a lot of videos on supercropping... would this case benefit from that? Or is it done more on branches with multiple nodes? Reason i ask is because I’m starting to freak out about space. I germinated 12 and didn’t expect 12 to make it. They...
  6. Alright alright alright


    And that is why I asked, I’ve learned a lot on this site. Thanks for the detailed response. I was on another site and they were a bunch of know it all a-holes, not looking to help.
  7. Alright alright alright


    Just curious, I’m a noob. I didn’t know if they were necessary and soaking up nute. Thanks for the response.
  8. Alright alright alright


    Can I cut these off?
  9. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    You any good at identifying sex? Wondering if it’s too early to tell what this is
  10. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Sono is at about 85% and the SF is at 60%. At about 26”. They are loving it.
  11. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Yeah the sonofarm is dimmable, pretty much the same light as the spider farmer. It may have a few less diodes. But they have the same drivers and diodes spider farmer uses.
  12. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    If price is any concern check out the sonofarm stuff over the spiderfarmer, I’m running a spider farmer sf4000 and a sonofarm pro series 2000. I wish I would have discovered sonofarm before I ordered the spider farmer.
  13. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    I was cheap and found the cheapest seeds online. I used premium seed market. Blue dream and purple Buddha. They went 12/12 and seem strong. Only problem is they aren’t feminized. So I will have to pick through and identify females. I hope to only end up with 6 females. A grow shop popped up...
  14. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    I’m using Mother Earth coco and fox farm bb/gb. Seems to be working... I also have the sledgehammer for flush when the time comes. And I’ll be totally honest I don’t even know wtf mycorrhizae is.
  15. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Yeah we will see. One thing that did help was I got some advice on here to start feeding. Prior to the transplant I didn’t feed much. Since I have been feeding at 1/2 recommended strength every other watering. Seemed to make a difference... I’m no where experienced enough to give advice so take...
  16. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    Yes, I topped a couple days ago at the 4th node. Since then the secondary grow really blew up. The first pic is what I guess they call a fim. The second shows a top and the undergrowth that really took off afterwards.
  17. Alright alright alright

    My first grow

    I too am on my first grow... at around day 20 I really questioned my growing ability. I transplanted at about day 20 from solos to 3 gals. Since then they have exploded. My point is just give them time and don’t panic. Pics are at day 21 and today at day 30.
  18. Alright alright alright

    New grower.. Need advice.

    Questions- first pic- will that little ball identify sex for this plant? Second pic- will this plant have four main colas?
  19. Alright alright alright

    How to attach Panda Film to Foam Board Insulation?

    I have two 16” fans pushing air. When temps hit 10F and lower its tuff when the rh is above 60%