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  1. Romeo7701

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong

    I’m not familiar with the ffof soil other then what I’ve read but it looks like they need some nitrogen in their diet, what is the light you have them under and how close is it to them???
  2. Romeo7701

    30 days of flower - Thoughts?

    Looks like a little high in N but other then that looks good...
  3. Romeo7701

    30 days of flower - Thoughts?

    Looks great to me!!! It looks like maybe day 40 but we’ll go with 30 looks good man!! :bigjoint:
  4. Romeo7701

    Need help please

    Hey man the important part is you're not giving up!!! Having said this I personnel would not start out in a 5 gallon bag but to each their own it's just harder to control till they are 4 or 5 weeks into veg but again that's just my preference...
  5. Romeo7701

    Transplant going horribly wrong. Please help!

    Hey man you did good with the clones you just went to big on your first pot...
  6. Romeo7701

    Cleaning grow tent for next run

    The only other thing I do is I mix 16 ounces of 91% iso alcohol to 2 gallons of warm water and spray everything down with that, but that's just something I do right before my plants go into the room.
  7. Romeo7701

    Problem Diagnosing plants

    Man looks liked your in flower also damn not good...
  8. Romeo7701

    Problem Diagnosing plants

    I would flush and then half everything and start from there but that's just me...
  9. Romeo7701

    Problem Diagnosing plants

    Looks to me like your feeding them to strong a mix IMO..
  10. Romeo7701

    Help picking an LED flower light to replace my 1000w HPS. (On a budget.)

    You've been growing long enough to know that depends on more then just the light all conditions have to be real good to get the best you can get... Here's a pic of my last White widow I harvested 3 weeks ago, she was lollypoped and trimmed heavy 3 Weeks before flower temps kept at 76 to 78 f...
  11. Romeo7701

    Help picking an LED flower light to replace my 1000w HPS. (On a budget.)

    Hi Max here is another choice in LED's I have 5 they are less then $100 each I have 2 in flower and 3 I Veg with, like il said you'll have plenty of options this morning. I'll send you 3 picks one I have in flower now and 4 I have in Veg plus the info. I say 4 but because I sold the one in the...
  12. Romeo7701

    Seven Sisters

    Running out of tent Eastwood... LOL That's a good thing right...
  13. Romeo7701

    Advanced nutrients big bid feeding?

    Snake oil just refers to nutrients we add hoping for a better finished result simply because it sounded good...
  14. Romeo7701

    Monster clone advice

    Dip it in honey if you don't have any routing hormone, or take some cinnamon and add a little water to make a paste with it and Dip her in that if you have root booster to use Cut her at at least 45 degrees and Dip and place her in it or just water and wa la in 14 to 21 days you have a new...
  15. Romeo7701

    Monster clone advice

    You will love the cloning process the more you do it, it is amazing and the results are awesome man!!! Check these clones out they are even more beautiful than her mother... Happy Birthday!!
  16. Romeo7701

    Seven Sisters

  17. Romeo7701

    Seven Sisters

    I started one but I've been neglecting it, I have just started back growing this year and I work 10 to 12 hours 6 days a week so I've been slacking on the grow log... Sorry man I'll try and update it so as I can find the time... I'm at 76 F. and 60 it stays pretty constant at that only up or...
  18. Romeo7701

    Seven Sisters

    Man O man I'm envious dude that's frigging awesome man they look like the (1) I have in flower not quite as pretty but close she is, she's going into her third week today...
  19. Romeo7701

    Planning budget first grow - stuck on some issues (temp, vacation etc)

    Damn was just thinking I was living down in Miami Florida back then no telling what they are...
  20. Romeo7701

    Planning budget first grow - stuck on some issues (temp, vacation etc)

    Don't worry about the seeds man I just planted some that I found in a medicine bottle from 1997 in the glove box of one of my old beaters, still don't know what made me look in there I was looking for a lug wrench there was 7 of them beautiful seeds 2 have popped only planted 3 Of them... They...