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  1. Romeo7701

    Northern lights Autoflower

    Here's a couple of pics from yesterday 5 weeks in flower.
  2. Romeo7701

    Northern lights Autoflower

    OK IMO first thing since your in Ocean Forest I would Try 1/4 strength are around 300ppm 600 seems a little strong to me. This is what I do, I start at 1/4 strength then move up if need be, my exhaust fan stays on all the time, and 2, 8 inch fans down low blowing up at about 22.5 degrees. I use...
  3. Romeo7701

    Northern lights Autoflower

    How much air circulation do you have going on?? Sorry for all the questions just trying to wrap my head around your environment...
  4. Romeo7701

    Poll: to water or not to water?

    How far away are your lights they look like they are getting stretchy from the pics... Other then that they are looking good...
  5. Romeo7701

    Northern lights Autoflower

    Should not be, what strength is you nuits, temps and RH and how often are you feeding them??
  6. Romeo7701

    Northern lights Autoflower

    How close are your lights man and what watt are they??
  7. Romeo7701


    Very true that's why I try to maintain 40 to 45% humidity in flower and feed at a little less ppm the buds really pack it in.
  8. Romeo7701


    I don't know what type of exhaust you are using but my exhaust fan can be slowed down or sped up to help stabilize temp and humidity. If you want to increase humidity you can install a mister in your grow area and put a timer on it to come off and on as needed a real fine mist coming on for 3...
  9. Romeo7701

    First grow , week 1 day 4 flower how they looking

    Looks great man damn god job, don't worry about the run off as long as they look great see what they are telling you go with that I never have run off I feed DAILY 32 ounces avg. per plant in 5 gal containers with no runoff, soil is Pro mix/peat/black cow/perlite. Again good job man!
  10. Romeo7701

    can someone please help whats this

    I'm not familiar with the canna a/b, but IMO if you have a true 250w HPS at 12 inches them being that small probably a little light burn place you hand over them about 2 inches above them and see if you feel the heat from the light, if you do its to close...
  11. Romeo7701

    can someone please help whats this

    Hey man need more info, how close is your light, what is your nuits, ect, ect...
  12. Romeo7701

    Another yellow leaf question but different

    Here is a couple of picks from last night, nothing but PETERS...
  13. Romeo7701

    Another yellow leaf question but different

    Yes it sure is only use a 1/4 teaspoon of the 20/20/20 to a gallon of water works good for me in soil.
  14. Romeo7701

    Another yellow leaf question but different

    You might want to think about going to a 12/12 light scenario those plants are gonna get at least 4ft tall... They really need to veg more but your not gonna have enough room!!
  15. Romeo7701

    Another yellow leaf question but different

    Hey man did you say you only have 24 inches from canopy to your light with it at maximum height???
  16. Romeo7701

    Another yellow leaf question but different

    Like Corso312 said all I use is JACKS 20/20/20 and JACKS 10/30/20 in promix soil. I don't have to but I throw in a little Molasses and Alaskan Fish fert every now and then Just for giggles and because i'm bored LOL. Have good yields and no worries!!!
  17. Romeo7701

    Is she about finish flowering

    Well cant tell much in that lighting but IMO you still like a few weeks... Better Pics would help.
  18. Romeo7701

    Help me please.

    IMO only top when your new to growing is l if you are going to have less then 6 feet of top grow room... Once your comfortable in growing you can top and clone the top so you have 2 or more plants to work with...
  19. Romeo7701

    Spider mites I hate these things please help

    You still have quite a few weeks left in flower my friend like GeneBanker said I would not throw those girls away by no means I would use Neem oil like was told in previous post. Also remove them from the grow room Get 91% isopropyl mix it with hot water and spray walls and floors down, if their...
  20. Romeo7701

    Curled leaves

    IMO you need to repot again looks like it needs more root space...