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  1. bro54209

    Skunk in town

    I'm not exhausting directly outside in my case so that O3 buildup would probably be harmful to my lungs to my understanding, if I was exhausting directly outside that would be a legit way of securing the stealth of stanky ops
  2. bro54209

    Skunk in town

    This was EXACTLY what I had in mind lol it would just be awkward as fuck if it was the neighbor next to them because they would be able to see me coming in n out across the street and end up telling the cops, that's why i feel like doing something like that but with just one mj petal from an fan...
  3. bro54209

    Skunk in town

    Wow so as I was pulling up to my lot I was getting a strong whiff of some good dank and was extremely concerned that having it been day 2 of drying after I harvested that perhaps my smell was leaking past the carbon filter. The closer I get to my place it smelled less and less and smelled clean...
  4. bro54209

    Does more weed = a healthier life?

    I noticed that my life is healthier and that I'm functioning much better now than before I started smoking a few years ago. I've been smoking a gram a day for a while now and dont get as much outerspacey from the same amount as I used to but I sure feel outerspace 24/7 sorta like hppd for weed...
  5. bro54209

    First harvest blehh -> Ice water hash?

    I haven't seen any mold actually, I just am being precautious knowing that I didnt burp them often or much because they were crispy dry after 2-3 days drying the first 24hrs being 25-45% humidity with the sugar leaves trimmed right away I felt some condensation in some jars but not a ton some...
  6. bro54209

    First harvest blehh -> Ice water hash?

    My main question is is it safe to do Ice water hash on bud that might have mildew/mold? Any other methods besides IWH that youd recommend? How do you enjoy your hash? I dont think crumbling it up into tiny(pencil tip snapped in half tiny) rocks over my bowls was effective because I hardly...
  7. bro54209

    Less light = more flowering?

    Its cause in the dark period their nutes go back into the roots, and when the light comes on the nutes start going back up to the leaves. You chop em b4 the light comes on so that they cure a smoother burn with less nutes than you would if you chopped em when the light came on
  8. bro54209

    premature aging

    Im going through the same exact issue as you. I flowered some plants on jan 6th and after 6 weeks and 4 days Im seeing that theyre starting to amber but I didnt have as much time as I wanted to flush. Considering theyre only 6 weeks in ill give them one more flush and check them every day to...
  9. bro54209

    premature aging

    What method do you use? I had yielded a marble size of resin from my first ice water n trim hash experiment and when i crumpled it over a bowl it didnt seem to make my bowl hit noticeably harder and it sucked to use in my pax 2. I should prolly get a nail attachment.
  10. bro54209

    Smoking my first harvest

    Thats crazy, either a genetic prodigy or the guy you bought off sucked hermie D. How long do you flush? My first stuff from bagseed was flushed for a week and smelled awful when they were alive im going to have to turn em to hash. Flushing for a week wasn't enough for sure, I flushed my blue...
  11. bro54209

    Less light = more flowering?

    Good point on UV trichs are suppose to help the plant protect from them, in that case Im putting it down by the air intake where its brezzy
  12. bro54209

    Less light = more flowering?

    If i could put a plant ontop of the aircooled hood reflector would it help finish off the trichomes? I heard that turning off the lights for the last 36hrs of flowering increases trichome production but im do a SOG and think keeping that at 12/12 would be good but perhaps putting a finishing...
  13. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    What about iron or sulphur? I always wonder what proportions of calmag/epsom/gypsum to give. And if I feed a tsp of growbig would mixing calmag give N burn? I felt like calmag absorbs better than gypsum so I was thinking about 1/4 tsp each of gypsum epsom and calmag, but im not sure if anything...
  14. bro54209

    Rationing the gram

    I had my first harvest ~2 weeks ago and holy shit. Definitely plenty to last- if it I had done everything right. Besides being moldy(im not taking my chances) I did test runs on bud that didnt have mold and despite over half of the hairs turning orange those trichs were not ready wayy too early...
  15. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    Holy shit my runoff ph was 4!! After tranpxing and ph adjusting to the sweet 6.5, i couldnt help but to show the errgreest duckling it stretched like 4x its height smells great though
  16. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    Youre right, im going to transplant today, theyll love it :razz:
  17. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    ya they probably would chomp up a full dose like a frenzy, theyre beautifully monstrous :fire:
  18. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    The schedule for Fox farms is on point? How would I adjust around their schedule? Im indoor so would u say feed them full dose everything once a week and 3 days later ph'd water once a week? And why let it burn a bit even if its a heavy feeder? Im kinda hesitant giving full dose i hate the idea...
  19. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    What do you use for calmag? And I was stober when I wrote that, im not flushing every 3 days i meant watering/feeding once every 3 days (~2 dry days) where 3/4 of the time its general feed then 1/4 of the time a light feed where ill soak the soil with a cup of water then ill feed light nutes. My...
  20. bro54209

    i have become addicted to coffee

    What cream do yall use? I was using nestles hazlenut until it was making me so nauseas so i got half n half