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  1. bro54209

    i have become addicted to coffee

    Wow this opened my eyes to how much talent goes into making that perfect taste, Im going to try this instead my stupid $10 shit dripper
  2. bro54209

    Sleep schedule and HPS Light affecting melotonin

    Ya I know I was just wondering what other people do with their light schedules, i figure them on at night is best for stable temperatures and to be able to work on them when theres less traffic
  3. bro54209

    Sleep schedule and HPS Light affecting melotonin

    I woke up at 6pm this evening after staying up til 5am cloning,man my circadian rhythym is completely out of whack. My lights are on from about 7pm on, with a MH and HPS in my bedroom. Light leaks from the tents, and ive been leaving the tents partially unzipped for a few hours here n there in...
  4. bro54209

    Blue Dream Starving past 4th week of flower

    Hey rollers I have been having an outbreak of starvation that has been out of control for a few too many weeks so many yellow leaves falling from N def i wasn't using enough grow big nor enough epsom for cal mag. I've been using a mix of epsom gypsum n calmag for cal n mag defs. And generally...
  5. bro54209

    Question about the harvest/drying

    I was going to try and hang them inside the flower tent within a cardboard box but i didnt like the idea of fitting in multiple boxes since the plant wouldve touched the sides of the box, do you mind sharing how you constructed this box? I figured containing them instead of them directly exposed...
  6. bro54209

    Getting the most out of a mother

    Yo rollers, so Im 3 months into my very first grow and now have some forks in the road to maneuver. Im moving out of my stealth rental before June 1st and was hoping to continue these 4 mothers when i move. These 4 mothers came from 14 blue dream seeds str8 from a cali grower i worked for over...
  7. bro54209

    Question about the harvest/drying

    My last harvest dried in 2-3 days and this next round Im going to water them right b4 i chop to hopefully extend that to 5 days, I dried them over my light in my flower tent next to the carbon filter w/o direct air movement. I think this time im going to try to mist the air above the light where...
  8. bro54209

    best time to harvest for smell and flavour

    I dont think it really would make a noticeable enough difference to harvest with lights on/off but id imagine 6am(right before lights come on) would be best. Im about to harvest my 2nd crop ever and one thing i learned from that was to not chop them down after 3 days drying out without water but...
  9. bro54209

    Droopy clones :( please help save them!

    I ended up buying some root riot plugs as jimmy d suggested and am on day 3 of clones so far they're way better than rockwool, i can tell by day 10 they'll have tons more root mass, surely seems worth the extra investment to have healthy clones root quicker
  10. bro54209

    Droopy clones :( please help save them!

    I just made coffee :rolleyes: you should link it
  11. bro54209

    Droopy clones :( please help save them!

    Rollers my clones are looking sad and droopy. My first batch went into solos well after staying in the dome for 10 days , my 2nd batch were much healthier bigger cuts with more nodes and had more roots than the previous batch on day 9 so i didn't give them that extra day to dry a bit in the dome...
  12. bro54209

    Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP

    Thank you that helped calm me down a bit
  13. bro54209

    Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP

    Well fuck- bleach kills the bacteria that the septic tank needs to break down shit, so that probably made it worse, appreciate all the help RIU
  14. bro54209

    Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP

    Dude ALL the stores around me lock their dumpsters, why would I be wasting my time trolling.......? I dumped a whole container of bleach down my toilet and some in the other drains and flushed it down, seriously I want real advice not slaps to the face, whatevers clogging likely cant be cleared...
  15. bro54209

    Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP

    I was afraid of stuff being found in the trash! Would leaves not break down?? i mean i eat kale and shit that out i the same bowl. How likely is it that they find a pipe plugged up with green characteristic leaves? I would mash it up as much as possible before I flushed D: The landlord is out...
  16. bro54209

    Flushing leaves hopefully didnt cause leaks HELP

    Rollers I am in a tight situation. IS IT SAFE TO DISPOSE OF LEAVES INTO THE TOITLET??? I shouldve asked this wayyy at the begining I have had to dispose of stems leaves perlite and ffof all into my toilet in fear of my trash getting searched (root plugs were thrown away), but my biggest fear is...
  17. bro54209

    Are these darn aphids?

    I sprayed my mother's n clones with diluted neem then spayed again with just water to wash it off 2 hours after it dried yesterday and i also quarantined that one plant 6 wks flowering( more like threw it ontop of the tent) then got fly tape at Walmart and then stopped by the hydro store was...
  18. bro54209

    Are these darn aphids?

    i have a lottt more plants, scrub with just water and paper towel? i neem oiled the 4x4 tent and 4x2 really good the whole bottom plus a foot high on the sides plus the vents. I have plants in week 1-7 veged some for 4 weeks some for 8.
  19. bro54209

    Are these darn aphids?

    Also I noticed i felt a few stings on my hands and arms after handeling it as if they were biting me- or i just had a random few itches, i wonder if i shouldve just pulled this plant out of the room last night ;o
  20. bro54209

    Are these darn aphids?

    yeah the picture under the leaf only go a tiny little dot, theres hardly any to see, but i did see like 3-5 needle point dots, i dont think their aphids i think their spider mites. I wiped the leaves on the infected plant and ended up just pulling the infected fan leaves off as they were damaged...