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  1. H

    Can I guerilla autos??

    they are the best way to go for a short growing season. start them off in cups and move outside once they get a big of size. hard to judge cause they vary in size. also transplanting them stunts their growth and they favor large pots for bigger buds. pretty much plant a bunch in cups and move...
  2. H

    Getting ready for spring.

    i eliminated actual outdoor growing unless you want some half decent stuff to throw in a vape. the weather beats it up and rots it. the tight dense crystal nuggets goes moldy. best way to solve a short growing season and moldy weed is use a greenhouse. just basic 2x4x8 lumber and polyfilm...
  3. H

    Any have experience with a 2x2 tent?

    has anyone built a wooden grow closet? everyone seem to be using grow tents on here. you can get real crazy and frame off a section of your house and put up drywall. i seen it done on a smaller scale, a wooden panel in the bathroom was the access, had a little mirror fixed to it so it didnt draw...
  4. H

    Should I Order High Power or Low Power LEDs, check my math pls! Long Post!

    kinda hard to answer that one, all i see is product numbers. volts amps and watts. lumens and lumens per dollar, dollars and everything in between. theres more to it than just all that. what spectrum are the diodes? what angle do they shine at? not many people on here go out and buy every style...
  5. H

    Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

    then what % of people die from the flu then? sounds like some brainwash number thats being thrown out there. technically over 90% of people die that has been infected with the flu, most people will contract the virus in their lifetime and eventually will die from natural causes or whatever gets...
  6. H

    Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

    i think its perception, growth in which way? i think the black death (forget which plague exactly) which killed mostly peasants was actually beneficial, the landlords didnt have enough people to harvest their crops so they offered competitive wages to the peasants or risk losing their crops. now...
  7. H

    Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

    were long overdue for a cull. world population just keeps getting larger, every country is crying they need more people. our financial systems is built of growth. if the housing bubble and bernie sanders couldnt topple it like a house of cards then this might.
  8. H

    Shake and Bake - Meth

    i never understood why they would use ammonia nitrate, lye and lithium. just the ammonia part anyway. like is it a catalyst... i was obsessed with chemistry since i was a teen, only used it mostly for making concentrates and brewing homemade wine if that counts. after watching countless youtube...
  9. H

    Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

    same with the chernobyl incident, cover it up till it cant be covered up any further. surprised this hasnt happened sooner, they feed restricted antibiotics to pigs because they are cheap, the same restricted antibiotics that are last line treatments here in the western world. also them...
  10. H

    how to make ghetto shatter from alcohol

    holy shit, someone actually came up with similar method. my twist on it was to freeze everything before use.
  11. H

    What’s your favorite nutrient line?

    pretty much man. those bottled liquid fertilizers is just overpriced, i had good results just using cheap miracle grow 20-20-20 with micro nutrients for vegging, along with secondary nutes. guano mix for flowering. all those were outdoors so nothing fancy was needed. got better results by...
  12. H

    Bernie Sanders roasted for not paying staffers $15 per hour.

    unions are good cause it offers more than just industry standards and occupational health and safety laws. the government standards are bare minimum, unions offer more than the minimum. very few companies follow labour laws exactly how they are written, most tend to push the boundaries, bend the...
  13. H

    how to make ghetto shatter from alcohol

    short and simple, you will need a good quantity of cannabis, a large funnel, coffee filters, isopropyl alcohol 99%, and several large drinking glasses, a pryex glass baking dish. first thing to do is put the large drinking glasses and isopropyl alcohol in a freezer, prepare the cannabis by...
  14. H

    Purple sprite grow

    thats some badass plants, perfectly healthy, few pics had the leaf tips dead but thats nothing, it happens.
  15. H

    Trump Says Marijuana Makes People “Lose IQ Points” In Secret Recording

    no causal relationship between marijuana use and IQ... idk man it depends how they collected and used the data. i knew alot of really dumb people back in high school that skipped class to get high. also if IQ is related to intelligence (IQ tests arent a good indicator of true intelligence) and...
  16. H

    Not sure if I’m watering enough

    that sucks. some pots dry out real fast while others dont and remain heavy. even with proper soil mixing there will always be a few that hold water. some plants grow faster or vent more water, forget what its called but plants evaporate to move water, and they evaporate water to stay cool. im...
  17. H

    9 ways Canadians are getting busted for cannabis post-legalization

    would have made more sense to grow 4 male plants to about the size of trees just to fuck everybody.
  18. H

    Please help-first time grower

    outdoors can destroy plants, too many pests and mold will eat dense nuggets up. too bad its small, could have grown alot especially branch out alot since it was outside (no inverse square law from grow lights). very impressive tho.
  19. H

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping help

    theres alot of "old growers" that are full of BS. all they do is talk, had one guy tell me i was full of crap and when i asked him for legit advice he wouldnt offer it. alot of the real growers dont talk about it, only the BS guys talk, and alot of those real growers just know from extensive...
  20. H

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping help

    usually when the bottom leaves turn yellow and fall off, could be lack of light, lack of nutrients (mostly nitrogen). if the bottom leaves are turning brown and drying out to a crusty dead leaf then its probably calcium/magnesium deficiency. lockout could also be a thing also. try giving it a...