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  1. H

    Baby boom autoflower day 95 still not finished

    single blade leaves on the top? thats normal if you grow your plants to its max height. blade count goes backwards after a certain point. just keep it going. would be a freak show to have autoflower that doesnt finish and keep revegging, which is hard to accomplish.
  2. H

    Fruitiest strain available from attitude seed bank

    i can settle for citrus flavor. anything is better than skunk or diesel. best bud i ever smoked had no smell, canadian medical, metrum red #4. 15 gram green bottle, smelled like fish food flakes if i was to give it an odour. 24.01% thc 2.3% cbd
  3. H

    Saving the Monarch Butterflies

    i remember seeing them at my aunts house. kinda hard to come by these days. best way to help anything grow from seed would be to tear up the soil in certain areas and bury shredded dead plant material, seed pods and branches they are on. would be good if you opened the seed pods if they can...
  4. H

    Re potting

    i remember seeing something on here years ago i seen posts about using huge pots. atleast 20L (5 gallon buckets) for auto flower. the idea was not to restrict the roots and huge buds would grow. literal 2L pop bottle size colas would grow. the pics were quite impressive. bigger pots were...
  5. H

    Please help! male or female?

    still too early to tell. you will see female before any male. the hairs pop out, pretty white looking. males will kinda look a bit female at first but no hairs, then they form a few bananas in a cluster. males arent anything to panic over, the bananas need to drop and open up, just chop it down...
  6. H

    Revegging After Harvest - No Seeds To Start

    i tried several times with a couple pots. they all died. i think one was going for a little bit of growth and i chopped it down for the pot. its a rough go man.
  7. H

    Alberta cannabis producer lays off 10% of workforce; expert blames poor-quality products

    its more of an art, not a science. it takes alot of knowledge to grow it right. sometimes it goes good but there is so much that can go wrong. so many factors to consider. trial and error. one guy i know that can grow good weed is a fucking moron when it comes to the science behind it, but hes...
  8. H

    My pathetic organic grow

    it was mostly the reason why i left the site, zero respect. and the fact that some blow hard comes along with a BS thread talking about 15,000 or 50,000 watt HPS light system and hydro tables with 99 plants and everyone just follows his ass.
  9. H

    My pathetic organic grow

    magnesium deficiency most definite if the very tips are dead and curled upward. the whole leaf twisting could be a couple things. blotches and yellowing along the edges is usually calcium, but magnesium also does that, just a bit differently.
  10. H

    My pathetic organic grow

    just because im a new member? i was on this site nearly a decade ago. back then i never had any fancy gear, nothing to check soil ph. corrected all my problems with common sense, flush and give new nutes. kinda sad to see a guy asking whats wrong with his plants when there is clearly nothing...
  11. H

    My pathetic organic grow

    organic is hard to pull off. lots of factors to consider, soil microbiome and soil composition on top of what a plant actually needs. i never really grew organic crop. is this the kind of organic that is pure compost and nothing as far as nutrients? plants look fine, nothing major, usually the...
  12. H

    Very Top Bud Leaves Clawing, Rest of Plant Looks Fine???

    i had those before, and a kind of bronze glaze. never figured out what it was. the brown leaf tips that curl up is magnesium deficiency. 28 degrees is a bit high, cannabis plants can tolerate high temperature but they dont require it. could try more ventilation and toss some epsom salt or...
  13. H

    Has anyone tried HGH to help with pain (helps injuries heal faster)

    the body heals naturally. i know using HGH will heal people up but its not really documented. the best i heard is stem cell therapy. if you got the money that is your best bet. need to travel for it and pay thousands of dollars just for the treatment.
  14. H

    Is this a hermie/bisexual plant, or just a stage in the flowering process?

    fem seeds scare me, never bothered with them. only takes one banana to ruin the whole crop.
  15. H

    Tips for denser buds

    i let a plant go a month over its harvest schedule once, wanted to get some seeds off a branch. the buds just swole up into an actual nugget, it was very good genetics to begin with. just needed to trim the edges off. thats the trick, let it mature past what you would think its harvest would be.
  16. H

    Leaves changing color

    they look close to done. another week or 2. could just pull the plug on the really bad ones. or trim them down and let go with rest of crop. just adding more nutes to them will make them taste harsh. not sure what your schedule is. im guessing you flush 2 weeks before harvest.
  17. H

    CDC Confirms Black Markets, not "Vaping," Caused Outbreak

    i know a guy that sells black market weed he orders online. said he made his own hash oil/shatter vape juice. said the word vape juice a few times. i asked "ok how did you get the concentrate to dissolve into the juice? did you use VG or PG or a combination of the 2" buddy went silent and...
  18. H

    Landlord wants to visit 25th jan

    thats clutch as fuck dude. only way id ever grow in a rental unit is to grow seedlings in a closet then move outside. no way to hide a grow room, especially the smell.