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  1. B

    Kick off

    You could even get away with making one. Mine is currently home made from wood and painted with mat white paint to reflect. Depends on your budget =) Benefits from being able to customize it for the space being used. Might be an idea to get some milar & a stapler so you can get the very best...
  2. B

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    Its just beyond shady, Most people can taste that shit.. and seeds pop.. plastic stinks... It wouldnt fool me.. Id be back in there raging my nut demanding a few free oz's for trying to poisoning me. What dicks =(
  3. B

    Kick off

    Yeah a reflector of some kind will be a good idea, Its much easier to move the light up & down compared to plants =) That plant looks pretty nice tbh maybe it was picked a little late? or light too far away? Max distance for that type of light I would say 6 inches, But I keep them closer. Get...
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    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    My god! that sounds awful, How do they get away with it?
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    First Grow Ever. How do I know when to start flowering.

    You can start flower whenever you want tbh. But if you want the plant to fully veg though wait till you see the nodes start becoming uneven This picture shows the uneven node spacing
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    Plasma Lights, are they worth it?

    Sucks that this thread is just a load of arguments and not a nice indepth look into the subject =(
  7. B

    Kick off

    Keep that CFL as close to the plants as you can without them burning & the buds will come out great =) CFL also produces fluffier buds then other lights ... but personally I have no hate for that..its not a big difference & just makes grinding it a tad bit easyer lol. Try find your self a 2700k...
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    Cal mag foliar spray killing plants

    Wow mate thats a bit of a blunder =( The best thing u can do it correct everything wait & hope.. Cannabis is a strong plant they will most likely pull though.
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    theres something living in my pump shed. should i kill it?

    Dart it with a tranquilizer. Cage it up, Let it go in the middle of nowhere as far away from your place as possible.
  10. B

    Kick off

    Nirvana make really good seeds. The bad rep is a bit of a myth. They have no hermie prone genetics in any of there lines. Although they do tend to latch onto popular cutting names... but 90% of the seed market does the same lol. AK48 is a really nice strain, You get some real fire from it! Lots...
  11. B

    Northern Light Auto / stealth speaker can closet grow with pics

    Nice stuff. I used to do this is the old days. I would use speakers that show off the woofers & still have them functional for extra stealth =D Off to a great start with a really nice setup =) nice one.
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    Hermie Prone Plants? No problem!

    Some good Info, Im no good with hermie prone stuff... No matter how perfect everything is.
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    if you could only bring 4 things

    10ltr Lube 5 anal dilators 5 gimp masks Tazer
  14. B

    Buddha's dream sin city

    Thems are some pretty girls you have there =D I''ll be back to see how they progress
  15. B

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    The problem was the country had no weed for months on end due to a ton of big police busts that year. The first stuff that turned up had been fucked with, Every nice "none lowlife" dealer was duped into it.. The dealers are the ones who lost money on it because they had to remove all the pieces...
  16. B

    First grow - stealth wardrobe! Pictures and question...

    Nice cab! Really professional and neat!
  17. B

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    There was a time when some bunch of assholes covered the streets with cannabis filled with shards of glass ... like broken windows shoved into buds ect.