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  1. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    Cheers mate will get a standby pot set up in the morning and hopefully gets me back on track. So deffo not gonna upsize to my final pot size but am still keen to switch out to the air pruning pots (maybe a neater size) if water logging is my issue it cant hurt to have optimal airation and...
  2. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    Optimal range 40-70 im on the low end, couple days of scorching weather to blame, it usualy rests around 60 give or take a few but like i stated the tents in a pretty big room one night the misso left the ducted on with the last plant i came home and my tent was full of condensation, levels were...
  3. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    All good 6.5 on the button from now on. Too wet for too long would indicate over watering correct? If i am wattering in a volume (240ml) that provides 10% runoff which ive read to be the apropriate feed, would my medium be absorbing too much or could it be inadequite drainage or is it a case...
  4. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    Its not overwatering i only water when ive had a dig and she needs it, and volumes, someone else on here said a feed should be aprox a quart of water per gallon of pot size, that translated to around 240ml per L of pot amd gives me just shy of 10% runnoff. watered today, previous one to that was...
  5. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    19/11 Conditions worsening on bottom leaves. Bamging my head against a wall so back to noob central for ideas. Watering day, between them 1L of tap water 3ml of house n garden soil A ph'd to 6.2
  6. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    Apologies dont know why its doubled up all the images, for watering and feed schedules suss the grow journal i started forgot to write anything about it in.
  7. OverGrownCultivation

    Happening all over again.

    Cant identify what issue im having i threw out my first plant 3 weeks ago and started fresh with these 4 thought the issue was nute lock from not ph'ing my water which runs at 8.1 and a hot soil i shouldnt have started in. New grow is 1 or 1.5L pots, plain potting mix 30% perlite, great white...
  8. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    14/11 Noticing a bit of stretch today
  9. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    13/11 All seedlings seem to be getting a little yellowing on bottom sets. Assuming their still in their seedling state they shouldnt have an issue with somewhat higher humidity which got to 60% last night with the aircon left on by mistake. So ruling that out, leans me toward ph imballance or...
  10. OverGrownCultivation

    Have you ever seen a seedling do this?

    Looking the goods mate
  11. OverGrownCultivation

    Have you ever seen a seedling do this?

    Hows it looking 6 weeks on?
  12. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    7/11 Bit of damage to some lower leaves on one seedling after transplant, instructed to leave it and just monitor and aside from a little discolouration not bothered by it, presuming its light burn amplified by droplets on the leaves. Aside from that overall happy, 4 days growth theres not much...
  13. OverGrownCultivation

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah ive already done the math but ive got enough shit laying round my garage at the moment and only have 4 seedlings in 2.5/3L pots so bulks not needed. I bought that bag because my first had some uninvited guests move in after being left open. Tells me i need to do a yard clean up get rid of...
  14. OverGrownCultivation


  15. OverGrownCultivation

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thought it may be worth a share but came across this bundle in bunnings for $89. 2 oscilating tower fans pretty small profile good for small grow spaces.
  16. OverGrownCultivation


    Upsized seedlings yesterday, one (the biggest) has started spotting. Upsized into the same medium mix, hit it with some great white. Just under a litre of tapwater, added less than .5ml of calmag, ph'd to 6.4 divided that between 4 pots so she only got less than 250ml. Back under the 130w cfl...
  17. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    3/11 Upsizing, root structure from the smallest of the 4 viable seedlings pictured above. All hit with a healthy dose of great white, and repotted in the same soil/pearlite blend. Burried the stretch and watered with 1L divided between them, tap water, less than half ml of ca-mg, phd 6.4. Back...
  18. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    2/11 Nearly 5 full days without as much as opening my tent, fair bit going on, work, family, training new puppy, gym and i honestly forgot about it.... whoops. Two end seedlings are trash they spent about 4hrs in sunlight before going into the tent a week earlier and their roasted. None the...
  19. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    28/10 Dusted the jiffys with a little Great White and gave them a little more soil to root in.