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  1. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    27/10 Shooting roots aprox 36hrs from planting
  2. OverGrownCultivation

    1st seedling transplant

    I got 4 healthy rooted seedlings that are overtaking this thing already just gotta be sure jot to make the same mistakes.
  3. OverGrownCultivation

    1st seedling transplant

    Its not worth the fuss anymore its taking up valuable realestate in an already small grow space growing at the same rate its dying and i cant be bothered so its worm food now.
  4. OverGrownCultivation

    1st seedling transplant

    Its alive.... for now
  5. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Only cut leaves because it was dead matter, the further risk of breakdown or decay in the soil trumped leaving them on there.
  6. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Yeah i understand, it wasnt as much a test of wether i could grow as opposed to testing my indoor setup, first time growing in a tent. Have purchased nutes and ph kit along the way as it wasnt in my initial purchase. One big thing was realising my tent was no good in a larger empty room, too...
  7. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    I contemplated another theory while treating the test plant though. If the roots do not recover and the plant looks on the virge of death what would happen if i was to snip the roots completely, hit it with some clonex and treat it as if it were a cutting? Would that be another viable option...
  8. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Yeah i did with my test plant some weeks back and i love the way she boomed, aside from some current health issues im praying i can recover from but i hope to run the same cycle with these bunch. (Test plant is currently 39 days from seed) Mind you i made every rookie mistake in the book with...
  9. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Yesterdays photo. Wings are spreading already, put the jiffy into a small seedlings pods, will give it a few days to estabolish some more roots then they get hit with a little more great white and into a 5l pot.
  10. OverGrownCultivation

    OGC 800x800x2000 first grow

    Ok so first real grow kicking off, started about 6 weeks ago with one bag seed to monitor my conditions and see what i was facing, that plant officially dubbed "planty" seen more shit in 6 weeks than most would put any plant through in a season. Chances are its gonna die but taken some remidial...
  11. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    At this point no know genetics, i had 7 seeds put in my hand by a non smoker, 6 of 7 germed.
  12. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Yeah no dramas its getting done tonight just wondering if natural light will harm the exposed roots till i can get round to em tonight
  13. OverGrownCultivation

    Planting them roots.

    Its only been 24-36 hrs since my seed hit the pellets. 4 of 6 have exposed roots do i plant these to cover the now exposed roots or they good for another 12-24hrs while the last one stands up and takes form?
  14. OverGrownCultivation

    Postage DownUnder

    Yeah i found that last week, convo is a bit fast paced in that thread i have a bit of trouble keeping up and working out whose chatting to who haha
  15. OverGrownCultivation

    Postage DownUnder

    Holy crap lol i got a few to research then haha cheers guys
  16. OverGrownCultivation

    Trouble controlling tent conditions

    Ok so my setup is as basic as it gets tent, 600w mh, 150mm outlet, small desk fan in an opening for an inlet. Firstly the cultiv8 hygrometer comes with no instructions im confused by the indoor outdoor temps. The whole unit, meter and lcd are in the tent so why such a fluctuation between the...
  17. OverGrownCultivation

    Carbon filter kit small enough 2x2x4?

    Theres a build in the diy forum where a blokes made one using a car pod filter, activated carbon and tape i think. Rather cheap build for a small space.
  18. OverGrownCultivation

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Seems a little suss having no online purchase option all confered through email. Have you used them before?
  19. OverGrownCultivation

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Best recomended seedbank for stealthing aus customs...?