Search results

  1. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Film bottle... Careful, some folks might get confused and picture an 8mm movie in a mason jar. ;) Probably lost them there too... you talk about nostalgia, got me to thinking back; I can still hear the whine of dads old wind up Dejur Citation. Sadly, time passes so fast and the older I get the...
  2. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Is this a Haze variety?

    It'll be a day or so before I can upload a newer image; the last one is a couple weeks old and currently, the limbs are fairly spares and they have large, compact, snowball like buds on them. By that I mean they are as wide as they are tall in most spots and don't grow like my other plants...
  3. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Is this a Haze variety?

    Thank you kindly; makin this first timer feel like I did something right for a change.
  4. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    How do you fix an overwatered plant?

    I think I figured out the root cause; flushed day before yesterday and the tarp on the floor didn't let all the water that continued to drain out leave the bucket. I took some 1/2 inch boards and set them on those. I have considered the possibility that I could mistakenly judged end of life...
  5. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    How do you fix an overwatered plant?

    It's a soil less mix; Sphagnum Peat Moss, Per-lite and Vermiculite. It's damn near ready to harvest too.
  6. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    How do you fix an overwatered plant?

    Title says it all.
  7. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Me and the wife were talking about Thai earlier; if only we would have had the foresight and attempted to preserve them. But who knew...
  8. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    What to do when you break a limb

    All I had was scotch tape at the time I broke the limbs (couple of months ago) and it's still there, lol. I was inspired to create this thread when I recently performed the same technique on a plant that the main stem broke from bud weight. That being said, I found that it's best to leave it...
  9. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Is this a Haze variety?

    I reckon I should have stuck this in Newbie Central.
  10. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Is this a Haze variety?

    This is from some bag seed and it's a beautiful plant to look at and unique compared to the other ones. I know exact identification is near impossible; just would like validation of my suspected thought that it's a Haze.
  11. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    There are old souls out there, ;)
  12. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Wow, thank you so much. I had searched and not had much luck finding the PR. I'm keeping watch for when it's in stock.
  13. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Of course, the one I want the most, lol.
  14. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Thank you, I suspect the real challenge would be finding Panama Red; I've not seen any since around the mid 80's.
  15. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    No old school folks lurking around here?
  16. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Just came home to a disaster!!!!

    I wanted provide an update that she's still here and doing well; I'm shocked to be honest.
  17. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    OH NO Broken BRANCH

    That's crazy, I just finished writing a thread about broken limbs. You can tape it back on or make a clone. The thread I was referring to is here.
  18. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    What to do when you break a limb

    At one time or another we all may encounter the panic of a broken limb or even a main stem being broken off for any number of humiliating circumstances. I am fairly accident prone... okay, truth be told, I'm a klutz; just ask my wife. My first grow, (through various oopsies that led to...
  19. S0m3wh3r31nTX

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    I may be pissing in the wind, but if possible, could someone point me in the right direction to locate "real deal/original" seeds of such memorable strains as Panama Red, Colombian Gold and Acapulco Gold; like we had back in the day? As the title states, not reproductions; or if not available...