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  1. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    NYC diesel, this strain really is slow on trich production. Today I noticed a melon smell. Not what I expected but I figure it will change a lot. These colas are going to be big I think. SSH with many possible colas...glad I flowered at ~24", the resin is really predominant close to the...
  2. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    SSH, my prized baby...lil closeup of one of the colas NYC Diesel starting to gain a little weight inside, still easy on the trich's, definitely gonna have a long finisher at this rate, curling seems to be gone from any new growth and overall very healthy. This one has some very, very wide...
  3. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    SSH porn (sorry about the HPS) NYC Diesel BUD Porn: NYC is just starting to show some trich's - late bloomer :)
  4. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Plants are doing great, small bit of leaf curl on the NYC diesel and SSH is...well...perfect so far. :) With the help of "The TimeKeeper" here on RIU Im just not gonna worry too much about the young leaves on the flowers curling under. They are still curled but it has not progressed either...
  5. Hazey One

    New York diesel - young leaves droopy

    Will do! I am getting some time away for a few days so I will see in a few days how she looks! Maybe I won't obsess so much for the next few days...tempted to set up a webcam (accessible from anywhere there is wifi) now for my room hahaha I guess that is gaining popularity!
  6. Hazey One

    New York diesel - young leaves droopy

    Very good advice! Most appreciated! I think my drainage is ok, I mixed 50% perlite and like two tablespoons of bone and blood meals in the beginning going off my 1998 memory info :) now I hear 20%perlite is common but they seem happy-yeah I always forget it really is simply a weed and not a...
  7. Hazey One

    New York diesel - young leaves droopy

    You are awesome! Thank you for responding! I've even watering twice a week (Sunday and Wednesday). I'll let them dry a but more and get a decent moisture meter - got every other tool so always a good reason to buy a new one :) thank you again! It's always good to get other input- I've been...
  8. Hazey One

    New York diesel - young leaves droopy

    Again it is only on the younger leaves under the flowers-I'm thinking heat stress since it is only on the upper, newer (delicate?) growth. What do you all think? Zoom in for clarity-over all the plant seems mostly healthy
  9. Hazey One

    New York diesel - young leaves droopy

    Hey everyone-still new around here but not new to growin-just been a while so I am getting refreshers of old info constantly now :) I have two plants, SSH and NYD and they are in 3rd week of flower after a 30 day veg from clone-now about 4 foot and flowering nicely-however: NYD is showing...
  10. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Still not sure what caused the younger top leaves at the flowers of the NYD to droop and curl under-over watering, under watering, nutrient lock-so I figure over watering is easier to come back from so I watered (a day late of twice a week) with 1gal water that was ph adjusted this morning. See...
  11. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Girls are growing up really nice! Temps are completely stable! The NYD showed some droopy young leaves in a few spots and I concluded that it was either overwatering (twice a week with 1 gal water for each 5gal bucket) or it wasn't getting enough light-or both. I moved the New York into the...
  12. Hazey One

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Hey Tony I had the same curiosity about water and bought a ph test kit recently (general hydroponics) and confirmed what I needed to know, my tap PH is pretty good and my runoff is perfect. I like soil cuz it's good at doing its thing :) I also use a refillable pitcher that has a carbon...
  13. Hazey One

    Is using Mylar worth the cost and hassle of putting up? Alternatives?

    I wondered the same thing. I was going to purchase the nice rolls of Mylar and then I remembered from a running race that they handed out "space blankets". Made from none other than: Mylar! Picked up an 8 pack for like $10-not as smooth as a hydroponic shop roll but it seems to be...
  14. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Anyone have experience with the NYD? I'm sure it's fine but curious-I read NYD takes longer than my SSH? Obviously I'll go off of the resin gland color and overall appearance but it seems a bit slower-flowering for sure but slower
  15. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    OKay, been a while since I added photos-I am on the beginning of week 3, bumped my ballast up to the max, 400w after finally getting the new Can Fan Max Fan (6")-immense difference in temps! My girls are growing up and slowly filling in but I can see the start of resin all over the SSH- the new...
  16. Hazey One

    Apollo, Hydrofarm, iPower, Virtual Sun.....HPS opinions anyone?

    I'm running an apollo 400 and it's been working great-found an apollo cool tube for ~$40 and now I'm even happier! They have a great product far as I'm babies are very big using their package system-I started with a wing before I knew about cooled hoods-still worked awesome and I...
  17. Hazey One

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Anyone looking for a good ventilation fan: can fan max fans are awesome! I just picked one up through "onehydronation" on ebay-$139 (6" model) with free shipping-I just lowered my temps by 10 degrees on low!!! Sick fans!!!!
  18. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Holy Shit!! I just got a can fan max fan yesterday. Wow. Anyone trying to figure out which fan to get - get this one. I had a shitty little 100cfm duct fan that couldn't keep my hps (and hid in veg when I started) cool and the room was consistently 85 by the time I got home from work...
  19. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    So a digital timer just decided to reset itself and hold it at 12am so my fans didn't come on this morning on their own-luckily I caught it. It's a digital two outlet and I'm running a small 100cfm fan (soon to be a max fan today!) and a regular Honeywell fan (small)-anyone have a...
  20. Hazey One

    SSH and NYD

    Sorry about the HPS light but you can see the leaves stacking up already, nice white pistils are appearing everywhere on both the SSH (on the left) and the NYD (on the right). Its gonna be a long winter-good thing my dispensary keeps these buds stocked all the time! :) Harvest will occur close...