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  1. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    how little of a top could i use to make a clone?
  2. H

    Preflower Help!

    You can use the 6500 CFL self ballested ones to grow allrigght stuff but a metal halide will be better.. and if you want to grow bud with your light I suggest you just get a HPS light
  3. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    One has showed sex!!!!
  4. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    Thanks Guys I wish I could put them out now, but I dont know the sex and I'm not allowed to put anything that could be a male.. I told my dad I would get rid of the males before they pollinate his plants but he said no.. He has been grown the same strain with clones for 20 years and I guess...
  5. H

    Split the Grow Tip without Cutting Worth the Shock

    well if only two lived then I dont wanna know anyways...
  6. H

    Leaf Problem Should Probably Search but Lazy Stoner

    is there leaves that are closer to the light? does that part of the plant get alot of air circulation?
  7. H

    My Girls New Home

    nice.. I have a feeling those are gonna take off, im puttin mine out soon
  8. H

    Guerrilla Grow WW NL SR Veneno & TNT Kush

    Hey im puttin mine out soon, im lettin them get bigger than that first though.. also im in canada soo.. check em out
  9. H

    What is This? Og Kush

    lol well watered down of course you dont want to turn everything yellow
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    What is This? Og Kush

    or mold control
  11. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    maybe I should let it get kinda cold in there during night cycle, and drop the light schedule to 18/6 would that help prepare them too?
  12. H

    What is This? Og Kush

    and before your next grow make sure to spray everything with bleach first
  13. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    So, how should I harden them off?? they get 3 hours of direct sunlight a day, and the rest MH/HPS.. there under a 20/4 light cycle
  14. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    and im afraid if I top now, then they wont show sex as fast
  15. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    I can let them get as big as they can.. I can't really top or lst them in that closet, cuz its allready packed, Yes they have gotten alot bigger I gave them there 3rd feeding today.
  16. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    take a look at the video on the last page of my thread V do you think they are a little bushy?
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    How Long till They Show Sex?

    I think im gonna try it, but they are not all big enough to take a clone yet..
  18. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    well you live in southern canada, so we have about the same climate... are you putting some out this year and if so did you already ?
  19. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    So the ultimate queston.. Should I go 12/12 now and then re-veg in a week when i see sex OR wait a few weeks and they might show sex then ???? .
  20. H

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    Oh I got that covered ;) truck with secret compartment... I cant put them out now.. I'm not allowed any signs of male whatsoever.. my dad is letting me use his land and he has been doin female clones for 20 years. anyways im just waitin for them to show sex and then there goin out.. if they...