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  1. H

    Freakishly Tall Seedlings?

    loool I was just trying to help the guy..
  2. H

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    yaa but I gave them full strength nutes last weeks watering with some premium stuff
  3. H

    Freakishly Tall Seedlings?

    actually flowering is the most important stage especcialy the light's your using.. and they dont jus flower in total darkness, you need 12 hours of nice strong light
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    So anybody have any clue whats going on?
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    Hey guys I have a little bit of a problem.. some of the first leaves on a couple plants are turning yellow.. pics wernt clear so had to make a video.. Did I over nute?? i dont think so.. and my ph is balanced so idk whats wrong Whats wrong with them?
  6. H

    New Seedling Question

    yepp the roots need oxygen just as much as they need water
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    Ventalation Question

    is your room totally light/air proof ? if not then you dont even need an intake but thell do better with one
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    Ventalation Question

    i think you will be ok, if you your budding them with that light I suggest start flowering like 2 n half weeks into veg maybe 3
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    Ventalation Question

    not like 50 floros though, then you will need one
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    Ventalation Question

    if you have a nice intake on the vent and a fan inside with floros you will be good
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    Getting Way Too Tall

    thats good..... check mine if u want
  12. H

    New Seedling Question

    is it gettin tall really fast? if so lower the light.. those tubes can pretty much touch the plant with a fan.. without a fan like 1 inch, the first leaves die pretty quick
  13. H

    Have to Turn Lights Off for 2 Days on Seedlings, Will They be Ok?

    you cant stash them in a window for 2 days or something?? and if that all you can do the thats all you can do... they will be yellow as fuck and maybe taller stems, but they will live.. blast them with the light 24/7 till then
  14. H

    Getting Way Too Tall

    yaa cuz you want that nug right under the light if its your biggest one
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    Ventalation Question

    and people usually vent out with a carbon filter for smell
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    Ventalation Question

    if your using hid's higher than 250-400 then yes, but otherwise it should be good with a fan
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    Getting Way Too Tall

    like use dvd cases or anything
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    Getting Way Too Tall

    Ok raise your light back up, put your big plant back fully under and raise your other ones right under the light...
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    Need a Little Advice on Various Things, Please

    had some pure indica strain start to finish in 9 weeks with 3 week veg time... but its a commercial strain not tooo potent like mids
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    What Will I Do? A Very Stealty Grow in Small Area

    well if you smoke once a month it might work lol. you only have 45 true watts, thats enough to start a plant for about 2 weeks. weed grows fast man you gotta keep up