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  1. H

    sorry man computer 2 fuked for that

    sorry man computer 2 fuked for that
  2. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    yaa i agree with you, its just he didnt do his homework, thats the only reason I said that.. me and you have done are homework as im on my first real grow now.. check it nice grow btw
  3. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    so what do u recommend 62?
  4. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    umm I water slowly untill I see a few drops come out the bottom, and dont water again till dry.. it has never let me down
  5. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    and i suggest you do ur first grow with shitty lights n stuff.. when u perfect it move up to the bigger lights and ull be a pro
  6. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    you can switch it to 12/12 whenever you want.. but i suggest you do it when they are not to big.. just remember yours are def gonna triple in height by the end of flowering
  7. H

    Preflower Help!

    but the more direct light the better
  8. H

    Preflower Help!

    he means 15 hours of light a day, not direct sunlight
  9. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    ohh ya sh*t lol.... veg is when they are just growing leaf.. bud is when you SWITCH the lights TO 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF
  10. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    do you have a local hydro store?? if not try and get the most expensive organic stuff they have at home depot or whatever.. make sure theres no chemical nutes in it that say's like .02 .01 .01.. get seed starting mix if you want and add you own nutes when they need it.. you are def goin to need...
  11. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    oh and about your watering. dont do it twice a day... water them really good till you see water coming out the bottom, then dont water again till the pot is really dry and light.. lots of new growers actually try to hard, it is a weed you know, provide light, soil, and air/co2 n just let them gooo
  12. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    yes they are very small for 3-4 weeks.. with your lights 24/7 just leave it on all the time with a fan.. check mine there 3 weeks and a day or 2
  13. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    if you can grow good, then mg isnt bad at all.. but for begginers i suggest some organic stuff, or seed starting mix.. man even half black earth and half perlite works good
  14. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    mg is packed full of crude nutes.. dont give them any for a few weeks
  15. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    I was gonna give u advice, but I would be writing a grow guide. read like a few and stuff ya knowww
  16. H

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    I wanted to do a video of the whole room, I can take higher quality videos than photos. Second time giving nutes after 3 plain waterings. only gave them 1/4 this time and they like it. enjoy
  17. H

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    im gettin RO water f*ck this.. now I see the hype about it.. perfection
  18. H

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    ill try mixing some spring water in my water.. and ya its has strong ass genetics
  19. H

    New Seedling Question

    that warm flo isnt 2 good for veg.. get something 5500-7000