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  1. H

    Preflower Help!

    lol your makin it seem to complicated, its not that hard to understand.. a plant thats on 24 hour light will start budding if u switch it to even 15 hour light.. they need about min 8 hours of direct sunlight sunlight has nothing to do with flowering (well it does on terms of bud...
  2. H

    Preflower Help!

    And I went from 24/0 slowly bringing it down now at 20/4 until it matches outside light
  3. H

    Preflower Help!

    im in southern canada and I havnt put mine out yet.. I'm waiting for 16 hours of light.. which is around june sometime
  4. H

    What's This?

    Make sure to leave your fan on during night cycle
  5. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    Look man I did my first grow when I was 12 years old ok? im 26 now.. I had 4 40 watt flo tubes and it was simple and I learned alot from it so idk different people have diff views I guess
  6. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    BOOOOM haha i knew I had my shit good
  7. H

    I Feel like I Discovered My Child is Retarded

    ohh sorry I though you said you were using a 400 mh to flower... why dont you put both your mh and hps ontop of them for the rest.. I would
  8. H

    I Feel like I Discovered My Child is Retarded

    600 watt hps gives of wayyyyyyyyyyy more lumens than 400 mh or even a 600 mh
  9. H

    HID Lamp Question

    stick an ac in there and u could lol maybe not
  10. H

    HID Lamp Question

    bulb has to match ballest wattage usually
  11. H

    I Feel like I Discovered My Child is Retarded

    ,am dont worry those bitches still have a while to go
  12. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    oh and sorry for highjackin ur thread my bad
  13. H

    its probly the strong nutes they put in mg soil.. it should go away soon.. i am having the same...

    its probly the strong nutes they put in mg soil.. it should go away soon.. i am having the same problem look at my second last video
  14. H

    First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated

    im gonna lst the 4 that I am keeping inside.. the ones that are going out, I dont have enough room (width) to top or lst them. so im just gonna let them get as big as they can until its nicer outside
  15. H

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    im gonna keep 4 bitches inside under lights, the rest go outside.. I hope i get a high female/male ratio
  16. H

    Small T5 Setup Few Questions?

    well youll get about a square foot of veg for every tube maybe a little less.. I like 50 watts for veg.
  17. H

    Flowering Question

    ya buy a microscope and look for the trich's turning cloudy/amber
  18. H

    What's This?

    your plant is just transpiring.. how high is your humidity?