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  1. G

    Led lights need help

    That's looking really nice, wish i had an option of using a small greenhouse like yourself. Hopefully in the future when i have my own piece of land as well. About you're other plants. If i could make one recommendation for future times, use fabric pots. I've been growing in plastic pots for...
  2. G

    4x4 Gorilla grow tent - 250 watt HPS/MH set up - newbie

    He already has a 250watt hps so he could start using that one for the first 1-2 weeks and after that just use the 600 watt. Although if you have no problem with you're electricity bill i would start off with the 600 MH right away and switch to HPS at the second week of flowering when the...
  3. G

    Help please

    Which one do you mea exactly? If it's the GSC those had enough light trust me :) 1x2m 800watt hps, all other plant were'e totaly fine and yielded around 70 grams per plant for the auto's next to them and i had a lot of photo's next to them as well with the same resutls. The genetic we're bad...
  4. G

    Help please

    It probably won't speed up the healing proces but it would surely give more energy for the other healthy plants.
  5. G

    Help please

    Can't really say something about the 14000k light seeing i didn't even know they existed in the first place but more watts is always better of course and 130 vs 450 watts is a HUGE difference so i would use the 450W 6400k.
  6. G

    Help please

    I was using 2 x 400watt hps at the time. All other plants we're fine and after contacting Seedsman about it they we're happy to supply me with new seeds free of charge from another strain and they turned out good as well so it was just a badge of bad genetics.
  7. G

    Any thoughts on these plants using this light setup?

    Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try tomorrow once the lights turn on again. I will be ordering a lux meter as well in a few days and hopefully it will arrive within a week and a half. Because it will take about 10 days it would be nice to get a general idea about the distance with these...
  8. G

    Help please

    Oh that's for sure, i had some Amnesia auto's at the same time in the same room with the GSC and they turned out amazing. It al depends on genetics really and as @MiselfCare said you need to have everything in order to get the best results especially during VEG seeing they start automatically...
  9. G

    Help please

    I wouldn't be to happy if i we're you. She grew about 5-6 cm a day while in flower and she yielded almost nothing. It was just calyxes being formed without any real buds forming. Not a great picture because i had a shitty phone at the time but you get the idea.
  10. G

    Help please

    Well that's a good thing. If it was the auto i would be a lot more worried seeing she won't recover in time to grow nicely before she start's flowering. You're lucky with that at least.
  11. G

    Help please

    Brrr the GSC reminds me of a previous grow i did using an auto GCS as well. Turned out really weird, but man did she have a lot of THC and gave a nice high. This one is from an indoor grow: This was was an outside grow: It was from a different breeder tho.
  12. G

    Help please

    If it's an auto i would put her in her final pot as soon as possible. Auto's don't really like to be transplanted. They start flowering automatically as you already know and any stress you put on her will decrease you're yield right away.
  13. G

    Help please

    Those are probably different strains i guess.
  14. G

    Brown tip/edges

    Are you measuring you're ec while feeding? I would half you're dose for a few days up to a week and keep an eye on it. If it doesn't get any worse you know what the problem is.
  15. G

    Help please

    Never thought about medical tape to be honest but i will make sure to have some lying around in the future in case i might need it. Thanks for the tip :)
  16. G

    Help please

    It happend to me before where the stem was just held down bij the outer layer. Tied it down with the tips touching each other and tey recovered nicely. Like i said before do make sure to put a dome or something around it because she won't be able to feed herself normally the first few days while...
  17. G

    Help please

    Damn that's a lot of money for 6 seeds. All the more reasons to try and save her. You could get a small toothpick keep it next to the stem and put some tape around it and she will be supported nicely. Once you see she's growing healty again you can take of the tape so it wont hold her back once...
  18. G

    Help please

    Me myself i only kill a plant when there really is no turning back or if it has balls :) Can't have another guy fooling around with my girls haha. Otherwise i always try to save it. It's always a good learning experience for future grows imho.
  19. G

    Brown tip/edges

    Plant tips can turn brownwhen they're exposed to too much fertilizer and too many salts build up in the soil. When this happens to potted plants, tips turn brown from a condition known as fertilizer burn or tip burn. What soil are you using and what are you feeding her at the moment?