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  1. G

    Help please

    Tie her down with some tape making sure both ends touch each other and there is a sure chance she will survive. I would put a dome over the plant to make sure the humidity is high seeing she'll be having a hard time getting any water from the roots seeing she broken. It's weed after all and...
  2. G

    Any thoughts on these plants using this light setup?

    So i'm growing 9 clones at the moment that i cut from my previous grow, strain is Gelat OG from seedsman. Since 3 weeks, they re now 6,5 weeks old and are on day 11 12/12 with buds starting to form nicely. I've already read that combining HPS and LED will work just fine and it sure seems like...
  3. G

    Autoflower and yeild

    To be honest i've grown a few auto's and it's not my thing. The smallest mistake can make a huge difference in yield. If it's just for the fun of it then i'd say ok but if it's for medical purposes and you're depending on a nice yield i would go for a normal photo plant. Auto's are tricky...
  4. G

    4x4 Gorilla grow tent - 250 watt HPS/MH set up - newbie

    No idea about those nutrients and soil seeing i'm not from the US but i read a lot about it here and it seems like a good thing so your well on you're way that's for sure.
  5. G

    4x4 Gorilla grow tent - 250 watt HPS/MH set up - newbie

    O Oh ok, i thought you were talking about LED. If it's hps then your ok with 600 watts :) Try to get both a MH and HPS tho. MH for Veg and HPS for bloom. Just HPS is possible but by using HM for Veg you're able to keep your plants a lot shorter and more compact.
  6. G

    4x4 Gorilla grow tent - 250 watt HPS/MH set up - newbie

    Be careful with what they write. You should look for a light that really uses 600 watt. The one on amazon is probably around 150-200 actual watts so be carefull. Once you get it tho you could use both at the same time. But it would be useless for just 2 or 3 plants unless your going to scrog and...
  7. G


    Yep, that's exactly what i do as well with a 95% succes rate. No PH adjustments, just change my water every 2-3 days and that's it and within 10-14 days they root.
  8. G

    First grow

    A small pot usually just means a smaller plant. Tbh i have no idea how this could have happened so fast seeing the before and after pictures as i have never experienced something like this. To me to much nutes would have a different effect and never goes this fast. Could be some type of virus...
  9. G


    Same kind of response at the same time haha :)
  10. G


    Do you have a brother or sister? I'm guessing you don't look exactly the same either haha. It's normal for 2 plants of the same strain to look a bit different from each other. That's why i always use clones with no variations in pheno type or nutrient uptake. For some reason i always have...
  11. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    Never mind my other response then seeing you're growing in coco, That's something i know "absolutely zero" about :)
  12. G

    First grow

    Do you have an PH and Ec meter in order to measure everything? Does this mean you already gave bloom nutes while being in the veg fase? Also with the plant being this small there should have been enough in the soil already i guess and therfore you started way to early with feeding.
  13. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    Ec and Ph look fine to me. Do you also test your runoff once every 1 or 2 weeks in order to adjust what you're giving? Are you growing in soil or another medium? If in soil i would recommend spiking up you PH a little bit tbh. As you can see on the chart ph levels between 6.5 and 7.0 are best...
  14. G

    First grow

    Wow that looks bad and almost impossible to happen within a few days unless like @SidV said that you really gave way to much nutes or the temps went trough the roof although i don't see any burnt tips. So in this case we need more info about you're growing conditions.
  15. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    When the serrated edged of the leave curls or tipped up like that, it's often a sign of temperature stress, overwatering/root problems or extreme humidity levels. You had any of those problems?
  16. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    I usually use a piece or cardboard with a small hole and have the reader under it but the umbrella is a good one, going to remember that one for net time. Pictures wil look pretty funny i geus with some umbrella's in between te plants haha.
  17. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    Good you figured it out :) Air circulation is one if not the most important things in order to heep the temps at a good level.
  18. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    You do have a problem tho looking at the edges of you're leafs as they are curling up. Are they the same on the bottom or just the top?
  19. G

    Radiant heat vs overall temp?

    Yeah just like a said. Taking the temperature in direct light/sunlight is misleading. As long as your shade temp is ok and the upper leaves don't turn dry or start curling on the sides you're basically ok.
  20. G

    Using tap water & needing some advice.. .

    One thing i can recommend is to leave you're water sitting for 24 hours in order to lose most of the chlorine. Once you leave it for a few hours you will start seeing small bubbles form on the sides. After 24 hours just give it a small tap and the sides and all bubbles will pop and the chlorine...