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  1. R

    Leaves Brown spots

  2. R

    Leaves Brown spots

    Hello everyone , two of my plant leaves are showing some brown spots as you can see in the image below. I have read it could be some cal deficiency, but since it’s my first grow, I’m not sure. Can some of you give me some inputs / help? I stopped with cal-mag some weeks ago. One more thing...
  3. R

    Bugs or deficiency?

    Hello everyone! I have been trying for several days to understand what’s wrong with my bottom leaves. Can someone give me some hints of what it could be ? The rest of the plant seems healthy to me. thank you!
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    First grow - week 7

    Thanks everyone for the inputs!!
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    First grow - week 7

    Hello everyone! Since this is my first grow I’m in doubt if I should take some leafs out from the bottom of the plant or if i just leave it as it is. It seems too bushy for me at the bottom? Also, I’m currently in week 7 since sprout , I have read this strain takes somewhere around 10 weeks...
  6. R

    droppy leaves ?

    They seem to be better now. I will keep watering till runoff now. thanks everyone!
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    droppy leaves ?

    I see. Im always afraid of overwatering. i will to water more as you said. thank you!
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    droppy leaves ?

  9. R

    droppy leaves ?

    Hello there! this is my first grow so I’m not sure if it’s a normal behaviour or not, but can you guys give me some feedback on this top leaves ? They seem a bit sad thank you!
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    yellowing leafs

    Hello everyone! i have 2 leafs turning yellow at the bottom of the plant. is it because they are getting low light down there because the plant is too bushy or it could be some kind of nut deficiency? its my first grow so I’m kinda worried. also it’s an autoflower so I’m a bit afraid of...
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    LST opinions?

    This is her today. Any opinions? Is the LST looking good? It seems quite messy tbh and I’m not sure how to deal with must of the branches Aleo.. when should I start just let her grow? When I see some signs of flower? some feedbacks will be very much appreciated. thanks!
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    Humidity problems

    Yup, humidity levels outside are not great aswell
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    Humidity problems

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    Humidity problems

    Same room as the tent is for now
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    Humidity problems

    I thought about that, and I even thought about putting the deuhunifier outside but it wouldn’t do a thing. In any case.. that means I’m screwed when the buds start popping out , with this level of humidity I will probably have problems I can’t solve. (?)
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    Humidity problems

    Hello! can someone help me understand why I can’t drop my humidity levels? It’s my first grow and I have tried almost everything and it doesn’t work. I have a 2x2x6 tent Mars ts600 A small extractor and an oscillating fan I also have a small dehumidifier (250ml per day) inside. My current...
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    Quiet fan for microgrowing

    I wonder if Isn’t it to much for a small tent like mine? CFM I mean
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    Quiet fan for microgrowing

    Yea, I was actually looking at the vivosun 4
  19. R

    Quiet fan for microgrowing

    Hello there! Can anyone give me some advices on buying the must silent fan for a micro growtent ? A 2x2x4 tent with passive air intake. thank you in advance
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    LST opinions?

    Seems to be working right? thanks for the inputs